Cultivating maturity: Meeting edges & Thresholds in Confrontation

Over the years, my capacity for witnessing and holding center despite meeting edges or thresholds has definitely increased. Many of you who have read other shares will know that, for some reason, I have a huge passion for meeting/integrating Victim/Victimizer software, within my own being and with others.  As a result, I am offered opportunities by life to "put my money where my mouth is", and live or practice what I speak to.  This does not mean that I have mastered this by any means...there are levels of face off/integration of this consciousness software I am still working up to...I know better than to take my level 50 character into a level 90 instance (WoW nerd alert haha) And if I happen to be put there, I will do my absolute best to show up and "fight" with all the gear, skills, and experience I've acquired over time. 

I felt very loudly inspired to share with you my internal process/series of steps I follow when I experience confrontation that I perceive to be difficult or challenging.  I meet them inside my own being quite often...whether I am meeting misaligned wounded parts, limiting narratives, negative thoughtforms, subpersonalities OR something else...but to keep it more grounded and somewhat in the 3D realm, I feel it's wise to discuss how one may meet and process external confrontations...when we meet a person, group, or situation on the "outside" that may be challenging, hostile, imbalanced, or incoherent.  What are some of the ways we can meet it with LOVE (as best we can) and dissolve/diffuse situations to prevent full on VVP (victim/victimizer programming) possession.

Side note before we begin…when one begins to realize that all “external” conflict with another being is truly a gift to receive, to show us where we may have similar patterns, technologies, or dynamics within us to be reflected or mirrored outside of us, this process can become a lot more “enjoyable” (for me it is, at least). The gratitude I feel when I get an opportunity to learn something more about self/other/life seems to be kind of bizarre compared to what I witness others experiencing when they meet these kinds of things. I, in no way, am working to talk anyone else out of their own feelings or to bypass what naturally comes alive in them when they experience an edge/charge…I’m actually inviting you into the opposite. Fully feel it, embrace it, face it, and ask/acknowledge…what does this experience have to show me, teach me, illuminate/invite me into?

Sometimes it’s a blessing in learning how to set boundaries…or how to practice holding more love and compassion for someone in front of you who may be in a very misaligned state. Sometimes it’s a test to see exactly where your current limitations are, what is still alive within you to be held, processed, and integrated. It is all FOR you, even though at the same time it can feel really painful or even abusive.

Anyways, let’s start with a less extreme real-life example.

Michael and I have a very dear friend who has been a part of his life for over 20 years…he is very much an “older brother” figure in his life and we cherish him deeply. His life has been wrought with immense challenge. Very intense mother and father wounding, suffered and witnessed quite dark and extreme abuse on repeat throughout his development, and has experienced very loud distorted feminine dynamics in his relationships throughout life. His self-esteem/sense of self is still developing in the aftermath of these imprints and he absolutely has various wounded parts & attachment points within him that can often trigger VVP in a loud, intense, and violent way. With significant root damage or infiltration, VVP is almost always present and either morphs a being/entices a being into violence (towards self or other) or victimhood (which is still a form of violence, just more covert and manipulative). Either way, the program works by impressing a person into believing there is an enemy to fight against or an oppositional force to wreckon (word play, not a typo) with and, us, as the incredible humans we are, will display it in infinite ways, through so many archetypes & dynamics, creating instruction sets for war, for abuse, for survival of itself (the ego self) at all costs in spite of another. This is the root of separation technology. For more in-depth descriptions on VVP see Neutralizing Victim/Victimizer: Healing the Roots of Your Tree.

So, as the self-trained observers and compassionate witnesses we are working ourselves into, we have our friend’s patterns and responses pretty well documented in our minds (always remaining open to witness growth and give him a chance to show us his progress). We know that when he is “triggered” in a certain way, a certain response is sure to follow. Often quite demeaning, dismissive, and often will result in an invitation for either verbal or threats of physical violence (which has never happened).

To those who are not yet versed in the ways of meeting the shadow parts of themselves (or another), many would likely “throw him away”, would default to overprotection of themselves and would fall right into the trap of the program. Making the “adversary” in the dynamic a true enemy, forgetting about all of the beautiful, wonderful, and special parts to one’s soul, for an element of the personality matrix (or soul matrix) that is wounded and infiltrated.

Our friend is working through intense abandonment trauma, so when he perceives he is being left behind/forgotten about or undervalued (in his own mind) he will retaliate in very interesting ways. First by reaching out like a scared/lonely child, asking for reassurance when he starts to meet an edge (this is a short window) and if we happen to be very busy or preoccupied during that window of time when that version comes out, he will then begin to lash out/attack and fall into a very misaligned narrative about the current situation. These wounded subpersonalities within will spin false stories about what is going on vs what is true, and then he will literally verbally attack us and sometimes even threaten greater abuse.

Because we know him at a deeper level and, again, recognize his patterns, instead of attacking him back or casting him away, we will first respond calmly and take ownership for perhaps not getting back to him in a timely fashion or explain that we happened to be very engrossed in a certain project or if we are traveling for an event, and that we are here now for him if he feels ready to unpack/discuss what he is feeling.

Sometimes that doesn’t work the first time around….the wounding is still very deep and he will experience extreme challenge trusting. This is textbook with VVP, the being is very hurt and fractured, so they will often not trust self/others/reality/God, etc.

To neutralize VVP within one’s own being is very similar to how to work with it in confrontation with another.

First…know it/name it for what it is, that it is a distorted program of the mind born of very real trauma. I will say something in my head/heart like, “oh, I’m being invited into VVP…here’s a chance to practice”. It is extremely difficult to work with neutralizing VVP if one does not even realize what is going on, and immediately becomes a player in the program. Fun to play with one person is aware and the other (or others) is not… Then once it is called out for what it is, then I default to a nervous system regulation tactic, if I feel a charge of anger or fear, I will proceed immediately to some form of deep breathing or communication with my body to settle it back down into a centered state. Once the body/mind has settled out of alarm state or space is made from the quick reflex to retaliate, ghost or fawn, then begin initiation of supporting the wounded parts or “damaged” aspects of one’s consciousness. The mind/body becomes really supported/disciplined by the invitation in of the Aligned Feminine and the Aligned Masculine. First, one has to know what that is/what it looks like. I will literally ask (sometimes outloud) in that moment for assistance, for the the highest version of these expressions to support me (the highest versions of me/I supporting me), with love and with true intentions of receiving support to neutralize any inner or outer violence (LAW OF RESPONSE).

Aligned Feminine Voice/Consciousness = HOLY MOTHER. She may sound something like this: “I see you are in great pain. This must hurt so badly. I love you and I am here for you. It is okay to feel this, you are validated in your hurt. You can handle it, I will support you through it. You’re loved anyways for all that you are, no matter what. And I will be here for you as you move through this feeling/situation. Remember who and what you truly are, a CREATOR BEING.” Don’t take the bait, don’t fall for a lie. You are capable.

I had to really fight to hold this voice/this expression in myself in the beginning of this process. The pain inside of me was so loud, and some of my wounded parts at the time were fucking legendary…

Aligned Masculine Voice/Consciousness = HOLY FATHER. He may sound something like this: “Yes, you are meeting an edge/challenge. Where might your thinking or relating to this situation be misaligned? Are you running a narrative or distorted consciousness program? Do you remember you have the ability to get yourself out? To “fight” your own battles by learning from them? To discipline yourself to access solutions and remain centered despite adversity? I’m here to show you where your thinking and relating may actually be based on a lie/disempowerment…a distorted lens or element. LEARN FROM THIS/mentor yourself into an aligned solution. What is this showing you/offering you? What might this be connected to? Don’t default/remain in/feed this distorted program…use the charge to expand beyond it. Remember who and what you truly are, a CREATOR BEING.” You are capable. Meet it.

When this is engaged with, and you invite these characters in to support you from going any further into attack or victim mode, the emotions are then sat with and moved through. They’re not suppressed, denied, condemned, shut off, or ran from. They’re processed in the moment, by pausing, sitting, noticing, and feeling it. These aligned essences are now in place to coach you through it instead of listening to the distorted negative thoughtforms in one’s head. This stems from a choice being made NOT to FEED VVP. If you hear anything negative, damaging, or harmful to self or other, remember this is Victim/Victimizer software, a negatively polarized consciousness virus designed to keep us at war with self and others.

I will let myself cry. I will let myself feel angry. I will allow the feelings of whatever is still alive within me to show itself without me judging it, pushing it away, wishing it wasn’t there, or thinking anything negative about myself or these feelings. They’re there to HELP me. I won’t be able to talk myself out of a charge with my mind…my body also must feel acknowledged and important. I won’t ignore her or force her into submission any longer.

This is why working to heal/integrate Mother and Father wounds are PARAMOUNT to raising one’s consciousness and integrating various misalignments. I heard the same shadows in my head that my father did…and he did not “win” in his face off with darkness. He did not rise above or integrate his wounding enough to stay here longer as the character he was. It “got” him…it won’t get me…

We hear terrible things in our minds constantly….from outside/inside of us. I hear them all the time when I work with people, I can touch an organ or a body part and hear the heartbreaking narratives that live inside of it, connected to wounding/bondage to a trauma not yet healed. I still find this in myself, in my own parts that are still integrating. WE MUST LEARN HOW TO INVITE IN THE OPPOSITE. To strengthen the voices/characters in ourselves that help us to fight/not succumb to Wetiko…

If it feels so loud and unbearable, I will often engage in a more focused breathwork practice to raise my consciousness and clear the distortion, or I will put on music that helps me process my feelings even deeper and lifts me from the spell…be mindful not to listen to music that pushes you deeper into the hole…

Another side note….I have studied New Age Hijack for quite sometime, it’s a rabbit hole I won’t bring you too far into….however, I have learned — do not invite in any “deity”, “ET”, “Goddess”, “Ascended Master”, “Archangel”, “Dragons”, etc. etc. into your mind and consciousness bodies…you are going directly to SOURCE, to receive the TRUTH, calling in the spirit of TRUTH, and establishing your own connection back to the truest and most aligned version of YOU/GOD/I. Cut out the middleman, it’s always messy. And chances are, if you’re still running VVP and struggling with other consciousness infiltration/viruses, you will be sent an imposter (mirror reflection/LAW OF RESONANCE) and it will not be serving…

Also, for the love of God, do not blindly trust any “guru” or “spiritual teacher” who tells you who you should marry/sleep with, what you should or shouldn’t do or eat, what ideology to subscribe to, or when the world is going to end/when the “New Earth” will begin….any teacher who doesn’t teach on the importance of multidimensional shadow integration, Unity consciousness, consciousness/spiritual science, going within to connect to your own soul/self/internal support system for answers and direction, and who doesn’t teach about aligning with Universal Law or multidimensional authenticity & ethics should be deeply questioned, and maximum discernment is to be used.

Learn about the nature of the negative polarity…it doesn’t always look like evil depraved demons walking around in plain sight….lies are often dressed up in suits, pretty shiny things, glitter/astral glamour. The tactics are impressive…

Any teacher I truly trust doesn’t seem to support or identify as “channeling” anything or any character other then what they commune with when connecting to their own true consciousness bodies/communicating with SELF/I or their internal support system. It isn’t described as something “other” than themselves…they innerstand that it is a higher/alternate expression of SOURCE that one isn’t ever truly separate from.

Back to our friend.

He decided to fall right into the program (as he has not worked very much yet with this in himself) and fell right back into his normal patterning that shows up when he feels hurt/abandoned or rejected.

We already took ownership for our part and now he’s just gassing off. At this point, Michael and I choose to completely tune out the garbage coming from him. Acknowledging what is happening and not taking anything personally or seriously. Imagine someone may be throwing an attack, etheric arrows or weapons at you with their words, and these weapons or charged words completely dissolve or dematerialize before they even get to you. These attacks simply do not phase you…you are strong in your light and in your heart. These “curses” will not penetrate you if you choose to disengage from the dynamic and remember “I DECIDE”. When we pay attention and entertain these “attacks” or charged words as “real”, it is a form of consent. This is when I usually default to prayer, sending love and support to guide him back into the “reality” of what is. The truth, we are his friends, we do love and value him, yet we also have very busy lives and a tiny child to steward. So if we don’t respond right away, it doesn’t mean we are abandoning him and all the other wild stories his mind will make up…

We let him get it out of his system (via text) and then decided to give him a little space to settle.

We put together a care package for him of a few gifts and medicines to show our love, and we went over to drop it off.

Michael, in person, looked him right in the eye and said…”remember, we are your friends, your allies, we love you. We may be busy from time to time, but we will never leave you or throw you away.”

This completely dissolved the VVP lens….he immediately apologized for his behavior and opened up about how stressed he has been feeling, how misaligned things have been for him personally, and how afraid he gets when he is alone for too long and doesn’t know how to process his feelings.

We acknowledged and forgave him, yet also invited him in to remembering this experience “next time” his mind attempts to convince him that we are dangerous and unsafe, to which he will respond in the form of an attack. We will not continue to tolerate such behavior forever, if it continues without resolve.

When someone is wounded/in a misaligned state and they have forgotten the truth, it requires some kind of experience or act of love or kindness to help them remember.

However, this is not an infinite free pass to keep engaging in similar patterns.

If there is someone in your life who you deeply care about that continues to engage in VVP or abusive behaviors despite your efforts to show up with love, taking ownership for your part, and/or with authentic expression of boundaries, it is time to alter the nature of that relationship.

There are some people here who are not ready, willing, or in alignment with doing this kind of work.

VVP is universal, which means - if we keep choosing to participate, we are essentially limiting and victimizing our own selves.

Abuse/distorted behaviors that are unchecked and continue are NOT to be tolerated, no matter how much compassion you feel for them. Equal compassion is to be felt towards yourself as well. If a relationship remains imbalanced, something must be done to bring it back into balance or to shift out of it out of love and protection for self.

People-pleasing/poor boundary setting is also a face of VVP. It is unconsciously choosing to participate in abuse dynamics. If that is what one chooses, that is what one will create.

I know this because I lived in it for many years…again, it didn’t start to clear/absolve until I devoted my focus to the integration of mother & father wounding & rape trauma.

I realized I was acting/embodying misaligned parts of my mother and my father, as well as my own from personal initiations into darkness AND there was something I could do about it.

People-pleasing & martyrdom is not to be glorified. It is not healthy or balanced to value others above yourself, it’s abusive and misaligned. It is also a reflection of a lower consciousness state. One has not intellectually or experientially remembered that self and other are ONE. When I harm self, I harm another. When I harm another, I harm myself. Superiority/inferiority comes with an overidentification of the little I self, the distorted planetary self. No one is above you, and no one is below you. It is not “Godly” to continue to suffer or limit yourself for the sake of someone or something else…that is a lie. Take ownership for it, and do something about it.

We are all individual consciousness expressions of the ONE SOURCE. Yet, we each have vastly different configurations from one another. Our purpose here is to live and experience self in its fullest, most authentic expression and capacity.

VVP will never resolve if both parties play right into it. Usually, the victimizer attacks and the victim allows it/clicks in/participates and also immediately justifies to itself to harm or attack back, not out of love and respect for self, but to punish the other. What’s tricky about victim software, is it will covertly attack itself first, completely identify as disempowered, and not set any kind of boundary out of love and respect for self, and then hold onto that imprint to take it out later in the form of an attack towards someone or something else that reminds them of the original wound/experience. It will “DEMAND RETRIBUTION” or hold over the head of the character who played victimizer for a very long time…not even realizing it is still participating in a form of violence or harm. A person locked in victim software will never self-reflect or admit to it’s own participation in the dynamic. Victim software will entice a person into avoidance and neglect, refusal of taking ownership or accountability, and proceed to blame all of it’s problems and misalignments on something or someone else. They will also wage war/launch a smear campaign upon the victimizer, and work to destroy it/harm it, under the guise of being a poor innocent “victim” and as a result, the victimizer should be punished/harmed for it’s behavior.

The character playing victimizer will be very OVERT, meaning the attack is apparent…it can be yelling, shouting, demeaning, authoritative control, physically or sexually abusive, loudly disrespectful or crude and very obvious in its ways…(this is dark masculine - has nothing to do with “man” or “woman” it is the dark masculine principle that can exist in every person, regardless of gender.) This is the epitome of FALSE AUTHORITY or FALSE KING OF TYRANNY. Controller technologies. This collection or consciousness egregore will demand respect & power without actually proving oneself to be capable of holding it. Can be very disrespectful of others who are different or those who threaten its very shaky sense of self-esteem. It immediately judges what it doesn’t understand, and perceives others who may be very gifted or equally as precious as a threat. When its mask starts to fall, it becomes violent or erratic because of FEAR. It doesn’t want to be viewed as something negative or weak…it’s obsessed with what others perceive of it and can often get very material or success-focused. When it believes it is (or perceives itself to be) inferior, it will act superior.

Sound familiar? Far-right mania?

The character playing victim will be COVERT, meaning the attack is not as easily seen (to those untrained or falling into this trap) it can be manipulating, gaslighting, dismissive, gossiping, rejecting, hold resentment, building masks and personas that cover the true feelings or true agenda or playing the “innocent”, “pure” & “oppressed one”, while avoiding any kind of responsibility or taking any kind of ownership for its own participation in the matter. It is largely based upon lies and deception/fabrication. It may enforce a standard or level of covert control that can become tyrannical under the surface, yet played off as aligned and virtuous on the surface…(this is the dark feminine - again, has nothing to do with “man” or “woman”, this can exist in every person, regardless of gender)

This is also a face of FALSE AUTHORITY or what is known as the WHITE QUEEN or HIVE MIND CONTROLLER egregore, also a controller technology with the guise of submission or oppression. It will work to convince as many people as possible of its agenda and build very large teams of like-minded people and want to jail, harm, or destroy any being who does not subscribe to its belief structure or ideology. This will actually kill individuation and abscond/distort freedom…it will trick you into believing you are not smart or capable enough to handle the truth or make your own decisions, and that she will have to make them all for you. “Poor sick, disempowered, and victimized you…life is so hard and unfair, and you are incapable of solving your own problems or facing adversity”… devouring mother archetypes…she is a professional liar and manipulator, and she actually perceives herself to be superior to you, even though she may play inferior.

Sound familiar? Far-left mania?

The overt victimizer often has very intense mother/feminine wounding - so it will default to engaging as dark masculine as a protection/persona because the Aligned Feminine voice or consciousness within has been harmed/distorted or underdeveloped. So a loud, boisterous dark masculine principle will emerge as a mask/coping strategy. This configuration when initiated may show very little empathy, big dark patriarchal energy, carrying anti-female or anti-feminine technology. This being is disconnected from their own feelings, their own soul and feminine principle, very disconnected from true reverence and respect for life and others, and requires deep healing and restoration of it.

The covert victim often has very intense father/masculine wounding - so it will default to engaging as dark feminine as a protection/persona because the Aligned Masculine voice or consciousness within has been harmed/distorted or underdeveloped. So a perception of weakness, ineptitude, and or covert narcissism (manipulation to get one’s requirements met or agenda pushed) is common, and a dark feminine principle will emerge as a mask/coping persona or strategy. This configuration when initiated may be very fake, inauthentic, unclear/unreadable, big dark matriarchal energy, carrying anti-male or anti-masculine technology. This being is disconnected from their own inner authority, strength, discipline, honor, integrity, spirit and masculine principle, and requires deep healing and restoration of it.

This is tricky to talk about…because one could easily continue to take sides, as well as say…”well, geez, Christina, it sounds like you are blaming the victim and saying it’s their “fault” that they were abused”….nope. Not what I am saying at all.

I view both the victim and victimizer in VVP as the SAME. Both are hurt, distorted, misaligned, and propagating harm towards self and other. One is not right, one is not wrong. They are two sides of the same coin. The louder one gets, the louder the other gets. They require help…and I can help by starting to dismantle this technology in my own being.

VVP is a PROGRAM that takes TWO SIDES to AGREE to participate in. Once they both agree, they switch roles back and forth endlessly on repeat. The victim then justifies causing harm to self and other and then becomes a victimizer, which creates another victim, which perpetuates the cycles until someone comes along and chooses not to participate or show up as either, AND also recognizes that anyone and everyone could be BOTH.

I’ve said this in other posts, yet it is really important to discuss.


It hurt, very badly. It was not fun. I did not deserve it. NO ONE deserves abuse. And I hurt a lot of people as a result of my own pain. My behavior was not okay. I take ownership for it, even though it hurts. These experiences helped me remember who I am. It showed me what I am made of. It invited me into more. And it led to this very version of self who is expressing this to you right now. I love you, so much. And I care about you and your life. I feel compassion for your pain and suffering, what you have struggled with. I care about you remembering who you are, and I care about this planet. I care about freedom, multidimensionally. And I wouldn’t have come to recognize any of that had I not experienced what I have experienced.

AND anyone can have a hero’s journey. Anyone can take the cards they were dealt and heal/clean up the mistakes made and realign back into a balanced state of being. We CAN move through hard things and still become a whole person. We can have all kinds of misaligned consciousness technologies and find our way back to the light/balance. We don’t have to keep fighting, hurting, killing, controlling, and destroying one another and this planet.

Something in me was a frequency match to the experiences that materialized in my life. This is a LAW. The LAW OF RESONANCE. Nothing happened TO me, it happened FOR me.

To shift out of disempowerment means that one intellectually and experientially remembers that every single human being on planet earth is a CREATOR BEING. We are creating experiences and situations that are reflective of what is going on inside of us. This is done either consciously or unconsciously.

Victim/Victimizer programming is rampant in our world culture, and it is a MASSIVE VIOLATION OF UNIVERSAL LAW.

It is also not a simple and straightforward phenomenon…because we are not a simple and straightforward phenomenon.

There are many layers of nuance and complexity. Karma plays a huge role, personality matrix configurations, ancestral patterns and consciousness viruses passed down in the lineage, various contracts or past-life agreements, lifestyle choices impact everything - where you live, who you surround yourself with, what kind of work you do, how you treat yourself and others, what you eat, the media you consume, the thoughts you will entertain, the chemicals and products you ingest. Everything affects everything.

Because of the overwhelming infinite nature of reality, the best “advice” I could give is to LEARN, STUDY AND APPLY THE TEACHINGS OF UNIVERSAL LAW.

LAW IS ORDER TO THE CHAOS. This is a technique in balancing….instead of our focus going every which way, the biggest game-changer in my life was when I came upon, and began to incorporate within, the principles of Universal Law.

I believe with that knowledge and practice, we can meet any edge, any situation, and know how to proceed in an aligned fashion. It will be a constant process of practice, and one gains mastery over time with experience and consistent dedication to developing a craft.

I pray that more and more people start to care about this and take it seriously.

Many still have very little awareness of how vast distorted consciousness programming goes…yet, we are given a chance with every moment, every breath, every thought, and every action to realign and rebalance the self.

We can notice and pay attention to what we are participating with, and we have the power to shift that.

We have the power to meet confrontation and challenge with compassion and boundaries. We are the power to shift our consciousness and align with sacred principles (Universal Law).

It is never just ONE or the OTHER, we must learn to hold the tension of BOTH. Boundless love with firm boundaries. Loving and aligning with BOTH principles, the masculine and the feminine in each of us, one is not better or more important than the other. Any extreme expression of polarity is not “correct”. We must move away from extreme separation and remember our Unity and Divinity here and now, on this beautiful planet, experiencing life as a multi-dimensional self inside of a human body, which is an indescribably incredible form of organic technology to be deeply respected and revered.

What is possible when we clear the mind of distortions and separation and access balance in ourselves and each other?

I can’t wait to remember/find out <3.

A little share from a beloved teacher I trust deeply….this is something I reflect on/default to when I face a challenging charge or situation inside or “outside” of me.

Human Rights

Human Rights are moral principles that describe certain standard of human behavior, they are the same in God's natural laws, the Law of One:

1. I have the right to take care of myself, and protect myself from being threatened physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

2. I have the right to set my own priorities and choose the manner I express to live on earth, as long as it does not intentionally harm others.

3. I have the right to express feelings, opinions, and desires.

4. I have the right to be treated respectfully.

5. I have the right to create my own happy, healthy life based in spiritual purpose.

6. I have the right to be GOD SOVEREIGN FREE and be given the power to be in charge of directing my energies and life force.

This artform and practice may be lifelong. And that is okay!!

Next time you feel VVP running inside of you or inside of someone else, ask yourself - how can I meet this with love and compassion, equally for myself and the other? Do I remember my rights? Apply them.

If I feel unable to do that yet, I can remove myself from the situation and take time to process and reflect on it.

I can learn about Universal Law and determine how I am participating with it, either aligning well with it or violating it.

How can I rise above playing the victim and the victimizer? Pray and ask for help, it will come to you.

Feel your feelings, accept some part of yourself you have rejected or denied. That will immediately translate to how you show up for others in your life, and harmony will become a frequent friend in your reality.

So much love to you.



Command Your mind: Noticing & Neutralizing Narratives