Command Your mind: Noticing & Neutralizing Narratives
Different style of share. List format. This is intended to be as a sort of guide/reference when noticing specific thoughtforms or narratives running in your mind. When we become aware of our thoughts, bridging the gap between awareness and command can take lots of practice and be somewhat of a challenging process. This is meant to offer insight into potentially demystifying the mind, seeing clearer as to the mechanisms that exist behind the thoughts, so we can address them, integrate them, and DECIDE what we will allow to run within our mind and what we will not. Commanding your mind is a potent way to clear oneself from mind control/Wetiko virus.
These specific examples came through organically to be discussed and processed. For those who would like assistance with others, reach out and I will share insight on another specific narrative or behavior sequence to witness and process.
I am worthless: Something happened in my development or throughout my life that activated a program/perception of worthlessness. Who else around me or in my family may carry that program? What might it be connected to? Did someone tell me that or treat me that way? Am I able to consider that whomever expressed that to me was also hurting and potentially running a similar program?
Further Inquiry: What activates this thought within me? Is it when I feel shame or neglected? When that thought comes up, can I acknowledge that I feel hurt and offer to myself in that moment the opposite of what I have been conditioned to believe? My body/being requires love. Remember this is a narrative, not the truth, even if your body feels like it’s real. It’s feeling pain because the thought you are experiencing is the complete opposite of what is true, and it is responding and working to communicate with you that your thoughts are out of alignment with truth.
I am bad/broken: Something in my experience/environment is activating a perception that something is “wrong” with me. I acknowledge that this is not my natural state of being and there is a wound/belief to be worked with. Do I feel shame for choices I’ve made or behaviors/patterns I carry? Why do I perceive I don’t have the power to shift? What am I not forgiving myself for?
Have I experienced rejection from peers, family, or in romantic relationships? Has another expressed to me that I am “too much” or too “fucked up”?
Some part of me is still identifying as an altered belief or program. Can I hold and remind myself that I am a divine being having a human experience? There are many parts and layers to “me”. Can I practice not throwing my whole self away because of some misalignments I may be working through? We all make mistakes and we are all learning. I have the power to shift my thoughts, my behaviors, and my state of being.
Can I acknowledge that while I may not be compatible with everyone/everything, it doesn’t mean that who I am is “wrong or bad”.
Remember that others carry certain programming too that will facilitate narratives and projections as well. Can I pause and practice centering when I witness this phenomenon coming at me without taking it personally? Can I reflect on any element to what is happening that may be true, and also access and acknowledge what is purely a projection based upon their configuration?
Can I acknowledge that my perception is not what I AM? It is pointing to a part within me that requires to be seen, acknowledged, addressed & integrated.
It’s hopeless: I acknowledge that I feel overwhelmed based upon how I may be relating to something difficult or challenging in my life. I witness that I have met an edge or a threshold of discomfort or pain, and that some part of me requires encouragement and also an opportunity to express or process the discomfort in a healthy way that will expel whatever negativity I may be noticing, to make room to access aligned solutions when in a “higher” state of functioning or being.
Aligned discernment rarely exists when in a perpetual state of lack, fear, or negativity around self, life, reality, etc. Choose to lovingly acknowledge what state of being you are experiencing and engage in practices or processes to begin to shift yourself out of dense negativity and back into a more aligned state. Look for and celebrate beauty in life, look for kindness, love, generosity…connect with a trusted friend or ally, celebrate or surround yourself with elements that remind you of the boundless and infinite nature of reality. Remember that with every experience/dynamic, we always have the power to choose how we react/respond. When we feel pain, we can allow it and practice accepting it, and engage in ways that can support the dissolving or integration of that pain.
YOU ARE POWER…will you stand in more of it? Or operate from a lesser state (disempowered state). You GET to choose.
I am bipolar/I have anxiety disorders/I have ADHD/I have a personality disorder:
First…acknowledge and shift language & relationship to these trauma adaptations. When your mind says I AM or I HAVE it is a form of identification/overidentifying with an anomaly that will continue to program the body to embody this state. Distorted mental states are a result of unintegrated trauma/coping adaptations to trauma and also disordered eating/nutrient deficiencies & parasites/toxic overload (heavy metals & chemicals). ALL mental illness is related to a metabolic disease or mitochondrial dysfunction.
The frequency/sensation of safety is PARAMOUNT to invite into your being to integrate trauma. If you don’t yet have people around you whom you feel safe with, practice asking/allowing yourself to create it from within. I chose to do this many times in my life, and is the #1 way I have been integrating rape trauma. I have had to counsel my body and being to remember that not everything is dangerous, not everyone is abusive and going to hurt me, and that I can gently coax my body into feeling safe. Wrapping myself up, breathing it into my cells, and witnessing supportive forces loving me and caring for me (me caring for me) to rattle out fear frequencies stuck in my tissues. YOU CAN DO THIS!
I didn’t have anyone loving and whom I trusted around me at first, and as I continued to practice - more and more beings outside of me would reflect this back at me.
When trauma starts to be integrated or completed, nutrient deficiencies are addressed, and parasites/toxins start to be cleared, there is no more bipolar/anxiety/ADHD/personality disorder. The body will begin to reflect a more aligned state of being. These are symptoms of a cause or an effect/byproduct of an event/compounded misalignments…not an identity or something you ARE. We CAN heal from all of these things, without relying on pharmaceuticals forever or forcing everyone and everything around you to accommodate your “disease” or perceiving that something is wrong with you forever and it’s something you’ll always have to wrestle with.
Shifting the language: “I am experiencing anxiety”, “I notice difficulty with focusing”, “I am experiencing overwhelm/overstimulation”. Parts of me (my psyche/consciousness/personality matrix) have fractured/split due to traumatic experiences or misaligned dynamics in my life. I am the power to shift my consciousness and my life. I am the power to do the work to integrate these pieces, and there are many beings out there that are able to support/guide me through the process as I take responsibility and ownership for it.
I currently live in a very misaligned world and culture, HOWEVER - we all collectively shift this place. If I begin to address these misalignments with courage, healthy levels of willpower and curiosity, I will not only heal myself, I will positivity impact others and inspire others to relate to their misalignments differently as well.
Ask for help, build skills of courage & discernment, learn and research from aligned sources (it is starting to become more and more prevalant). CLEAN UP YOUR ENVIRONMENT….pay attention to what you eat, who you are around, what you listen to or engage with regularly, what you allow into your body. SET A HIGHER STANDARD AND OFFER TO YOURSELF WHAT YOU REQUIRE TO HEAL!!! Not to just cope.
They’re a narcissist/Fuck them:
Again…narcissism is a TRAUMA ADAPTATION. It is a response formed when a being was experiencing either abuse or neglect (still abuse) and their brilliant mind developed a very unique and nuanced way of still getting their requirements met (or perceived requirements) despite not feeling as though they could trust, rely on, or receive what they required from a parent, caregiver, relationship, etc. Of course, there are some VERY intense expressions of this adaptation, and many beings will begin to become abusive themselves…Narcissism & Covert Narcissism are both expressions of Victim/Victimizer software. It is an ENTIRE SPECTRUM, if you are not individuated yet, you are somewhere on that spectrum…just is. This is a very complex phenomenon based upon the configuration of the entire individual, what is running in multiple layers of their being, and other misaligned elements within them. As soon as you make a “narcissist” your ENEMY and someone to blame, shame, fight, YOU ARE PLAYING INTO VICTIM/VICTIMIZER.
We have all been very hurt, and we have developed incredible adaptations as a result. Can you practice witnessing and acknowledging it before immediately judging it? Can we hold curiosity and wonder equal with discernment of boundaries and safety?
I know…it hurts. I get it. My father had a loud narcissistic adaptation. I’ve experienced abuse from other beings who were working this out as well. It was painful, and I suffered. I also learned so much, was given so much through the opportunity to discover more about myself, life, others, and how to relate in ways that would keep me out of victim/victimizer/blame traps, to learn how to still have actual authentic love for people who are sick and misaligned and also cultivate VERY firm boundaries and ensure that I do not tolerate abusive behavior left unchecked.
This also is very helpful when you come to realize that you, yourself, also embody aspects of narcissistic tendencies. Almost every human on planet earth falls upon this spectrum.
What can we learn from this phenomenon…instead of always pointing fingers and living in fear and negativity about it, what opportunity does it offer us? How can we innerstand ourselves better as a species? Again, this is a mental distortion…so remember, if a being decides to integrate their trauma & optimize their metabolic health, they will no longer be a “narcissist”. It’s because NO ONE IS a narcissist…they are embodying narcissistic tendencies and adaptations as a result of XYZ.
Can you sit with and look deeply into yourself and clarify what in you is misaligned and can be worked with and addressed, without shaming or blaming yourself, without throwing yourself away, can you sit with your own distortions and work with them? Also…can you ask and sit with why you may always be “attracting narcissists”? Spoiler alert, it’s not because you are a helpless & empathetic victim. It’s likely because you have been also victimizing or abusing yourself…you have things to work out either ancestrally or more to learn about yourself and the nature of reality to complete a dynamic within you that will shift that pattern (my suggestion, access & engage in MOTHER & FATHER WOUND EXPLORATION & HEALING)
We attract what is required to show us or teach us something about ourselves/life, and we attract elements that mirror similar aspects of what we carry within ourselves. If we keep attracting abusive and misaligned situations AND AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE WITH IT, it is a result of something being out of alignment within our own being. Refrain from always attacking and blaming the other person…on a higher level, they are a catalyst for you to grow and expand. Learn more about why they became that way…remember that we all started out as beautiful innocent babies…what happened to create this? What can I do to ensure that I do not pass it on, or allow it to live on inside of myself? What is the part I can play to assist in realigning this planet? (it starts with you.)
And also…grimly & humbly, we accept that not everyone is meant to complete this in this life. There are many beings who will continue on working out what they are and will continue to cause harm to self and other. It is our responsibility to lovingly (or neutrally) refrain from participation, protect ourselves & our loved ones, and cease allowing certain expressions into our lives who have no desire or put forth zero effort in healing.
Equally hold others and yourself accountable for the thoughts, choices, actions & behaviors that a being continually chooses to engage in.
It’s painful when we must separate from a parent, family member, romantic partner or friendship. And super intense when you realize we’ve trusted many within positions of power/government/the medical field THAT DO NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND AND WILL CONTINUE TO ABUSE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IF YOU ALLOW IT. Remember there are many other beings on this planet who will love you and show up for you in aligned ways. Family doesn’t always mean “blood” relation…even though at this point, we are all related to one another at some level. Find your soul family. Your true family. And let go of what isn’t meant to be/serving to you and your experience.
There are true unredeemable psychopaths that live here right now, and play a role in a larger design we may not always see….we must learn and accept it as true and do our best not to feed or participate with whatever they are propagating.
Can we develop the maturity to still maintain a level of respect for them without participating or playing into their high-level fuckery?
Whatever hate you hold in your heart for another becomes fuel/food for something even darker. STOP FEEDING THE BEAST MACHINE.
They’re the problem:
At this point, if you’ve gotten this far - there is information contained within the other narratives discussed that will help dispel this one.
TRUTH: With love and respect…if you catch yourself constantly in blame traps, always pointing the finger at someone else, be it a political party, a race, a religion, a demographic, a sexual orientation, a race of galactic alien, etc. you, my friend, are still in separation consciousness…and your current level of consciousness maturity is very low. Not meant to cause any harm at all or insult.
If you are stuck in a fear trap that is always looking at the problem outside, it means you haven’t yet allocated effort to look inside and acknowledge that truly, there is no separation here.
“The War I See Is Reflected By The War In Me. The Peace I See Is Reflected By The Peace In Me.”
Beings stuck in this are stuck in negative ego/little “I” self consciousness. Nothing will ever be solved from this place. This narrative, if you find yourself in it or witness others in it, are STUCK in SHADOW PROJECTION.
My advice, study/learn/watch a video on Jungian Psychoanalytics that specifically talk about shadow and shadow projection. Learn about the PERSONA, the SHADOW, the ANIMA and the ANIMUS, and what anima and animus possession look like.
I personally love and admire the work of Bernard Guenther & Laura Matuse, you can access their website here.
When we feel negativity towards another deeply in ourselves, it is a reflection of something buried within us we have not yet accessed or acknowledged yet.
We project our own pain, negative beliefs, and narratives onto others until we develop the capacity to look within and choose to no longer participate in that behavior.
It doesn’t mean that when we engage in shadow integration that we will never feel “activated” by something outside of us again. When we witness misalignment or abuse, we will still feel pain. However, the impact on us becomes different, and we begin to relate to self/other very differently. Then we cease to participate in victim/victimizer, and no longer propagate harm to self and other via negative thoughts, actions, behaviors, beliefs, etc.
All of this is shared with the utmost respect and love for you, for all beings, wherever they are at currently.
Even if one sentence inspires you, this creation was worth it.
I love you. Don’t be afraid to access more of yourself, challenge narratives and misalignments inside and out. Shift into EMPOWERMENT. Remember your power, your worth, your magic, your medicine.
We have to act…now. For those who can’t or won’t.
Thank you.