Parasite Clearing Week #4
What a ride! In one month’s time, it feels more like a year has passed…so much has transpired throughout this journey, and so much progress has been made multi-dimensionally, I feel tremendous gratitude and joy for the opportunity and how much better I feel overall as a result.
Quick notes: (there has been so much - here are a few off-the-cuff highlights)
Skin is clearer, processing and removal of debris and waste is optimizing, breath is deeper/fuller/richer, mind is balancing and regulating, negative thoughts have begun to disappear. No more looping…especially during Liver hour (1-3 AM) Narratives are “separate” feeling, I do not fall into them the same. Feels like watching a movie or reading a book and not “becoming” it. Experiencing much less fear when I “see” things that startle me, both in my daily practice as well as what I see in others. Greater acceptance. Consistent motivation. Consistency, overall.
Heart feels stable. Sensations and emotions still feel strong, yet it passes more fluidly and does not feel like it gets “stuck”. Experiencing greater ease of decision making/discernment (thank you, Gallbladder, I love you deeply.) Threshold for stress and stimuli has increased (unless I go too long between meals and feel depleted and hormonally dysregulated). I can spend more time in a Walmart without sneezing, becoming hyper-stimulated, feeling a painful buzz in my third eye, and overheating/drying out…
Processing even deeper misalignment via mother and father lines. Old memories resurfacing, alternate perspectives surfacing, and greater acceptance and release. Deeper sensation of forgiveness and reverence. Able to think about my dad and continuing to process the nature of his death without breaking down and crying…
Able to hold center for longer when working with individuals (or small groups) that contain HEAVY distortions. No longer panicking when I see the machinery and the swirling whirls of dark winds and stagnant goo in their field or flashes of dark entities or grotesque imagery. Also no longer feeling as intense of waves of sadness when I access what is happening to them, and desiring to “fix” it. I can love them, and let them go their own way. Praying and allowing/supporting what they choose, despite what I offer in service to “assist” them. Some do the work, many still don’t…and that is okay.
Victim mentality is diminishing….default programs to give myself away for nothing are shifting. Finally dismantling Master/Slave program deep in womb. I see dynamics clearer and can discern quicker how to respond in a way that doesn’t cause harm in either direction. Greater release and forgiveness of the misalignments within me that I have rejected and hated…behaviors I felt shame for that I enacted when in a very disempowered state, and the harm I caused as a result. Able to communicate clearer and align consistently with empowered vocabulary and frameworks.
Prayed in one of my favorite spaces in the forest that was just sprayed with toxic herbicide. Could hold center, emotions (mostly sadness & anger) did not overpower my capacity to pray and remain neutral. Received my first EVER tick bite, found that sucker right on my base - thank you for showing me. Nothing came of it. Treated myself multidimensionally right away. Messenger.
There is more to explore. Next stage.
Inner guidance: deeper consistent support of Liver & Blood cleansing is Number 1 after this process is complete. Slow and consistent stripping of heavy metals and the traumatic imprints attached from them to be removed. Keep up with oral care…(get yourselves a WATERPIK, PLEASE! and a swishing oil of clove and coconut)
Deep healing from all of the tattoos I have….they are repositories of trauma and debris (heavy metals) that burden my systems. Each one has excessive “meaning” or attachment to a story from a time in my life that I chose to get them. Snapshots of deep pain and poison deposited into my dermis - must be processed and cleared.
Keep moving, keep sweating, keep laughing, keep hugging, keep dancing, stay hydrated, and offer gratitude ALWAYS.
If it feels in alignment and in resonance, I highly recommend the protocol I used from Rogershood Apothecary.
I have no affiliation currently, yet I feel very grateful and desire to share in the event it will help more of us reclaim ourselves and feel more joy, more freedom, abundant health, and greater peace.
So much love to you!