Neutralizing victim/Victimizer: Healing the Roots of your Tree
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” - Nelson Mandela
The information and explanation of the Root Ray Realm, also referred as the 1D Internal Layer, 1st Chakra, or 1st Sphere of a human being is formulated from a combination of various viewpoints, teachings, spiritual texts, and personal experiences upon investigation of the energetic architecture that makes up this dimensional space.
The intention is to provide insight and draw connections to guide one to clearer innerstanding of various distortions and programming in this realm, which then can be analyzed and worked with to free oneself from perpetuating cycles of suffering and illusion.
The first layer or dimension of a human being operates as an intricate hard drive for the ego (unconscious mind of the planetary self). This layer or realm is comprised of cellular memory storage from this lifetime, as well as all of one's lifetimes and experiences, past, present, and future. As this is the realm of the unconscious mind, there is often no conscious value given or ability to conceptualize these experiences. Meaning, there is no perception or ideation of attributing these memories as being "good" or "bad", they are merely imprints of data stored within our being. I often refer to this level as the "basement" or the foundation of one’s ego mind construct, the foundation with which every other layer is built upon/affected by.
Whatever developmental stage (fetus, infant, toddler, adolescent, adult, etc.) or level of consciousness a being was experiencing in one or multiple lives, when the body/mind suffered “abuse”, it was recorded in one’s memory storage whether one currently remembers that event consciously or not.
Due to the enormous and seemingly infinite sequences of distortion and "abuse" that we have collectively experienced multi-generationally/in multiple lifetimes, most human beings here today have four main areas of cellular memory record in their unconscious mind operating at varying degrees.
Those four main areas are: Abuse, Trauma, Shock and Devastation. Many will feel/experience the results of these painful memories, yet not know exactly what caused them or where they came from. Some suffer from shock and will have shut these memories down completely as a coping mechanism. Some can recall specific experiences that begin to come through organically, by expanding one's awareness or upon investigation of this area of being. We all have access and capacity for success in clearing these memories through exploration, integration, purification & healing techniques. Since this 1D unconscious mind controls our autonomic nervous system and autonomic bodily functions, unhealed trauma in these four main areas create many kinds of physical symptoms and disease, as well as a boatload of other misalignments in one’s life.
This isn't a being's "fault", we have experienced major cataclysm, murder, war, drought, genocide, loss, poverty, major threat, persecution, extreme suffering of all kinds. These collective experiences have embedded themselves and are stored in this hard drive, running mechanisms under the surface that we may not fully "see", understand, or have access to if one isn't actively seeking or aware of it yet.
To cope and attempt to navigate these experiences of Abuse, Trauma, Shock and Devastation, the ego mind (planetary self) has created a multitude of defense mechanisms to protect oneself from further harm. At some point, one or many of those mechanisms were serving to protect the planetary self from destruction, to maintain some level of connection to the soul, or keep from becoming completely unraveled and untethered (fractured). As a result, the ego mind formed a major belief in order to protect itself from annihilation, SURVIVAL at all costs, which often amplifies various states of FEAR frequency. It will broadcast a frequency that promotes: I AM NOT SAFE, in various ways.
The ego will perceive that if one doesn't have access to what is required to survive, it must take (and kill, if necessary) in order to have one's requirements met OR that I must subscribe to this perceived “solution” to a specific threat without properly testing for resonance or assessing if it is truly in alignment/serving. This belief may trick a being into believing life itself is a threat, or perhaps subscribe to the belief that God is a man in the sky watching and judging your every move, waiting to smite you, punish you, and condemn you, should you not behave in a manor this all knowing "man" deems fit. (FALSE KING OF TYRANNY)
This technology has promoted and contributed to the rise of the death culture. The perception that a divine "God" would command a being to judge, enslave, harm, and kill other beings in the name of "righteousness" or to serve an agenda. “US vs THEM”. The ego distortions of the root ray will broadcast information to the being to perceive that everything is potentially dangerous, that anyone could be our adversary and attempt to come and destroy us. That there isn’t enough of what we require to survive. So it is now normalized to steal from others and our mother (the earth) for the sake of survival. This is the root of separation consciousness.
The (lie) belief that is perpetuated by the ego in this realm can be difficult to reprogram from, as it is a reflection of our primal self. It is hardwired from repetitive unconscious stimuli that has occurred in us over many lifetimes, in which this belief was essential for "survival". But as our world and architecture have changed, as we have continued to (de)evolve, these very mechanisms are no longer "preserving" life, they are destroying it.
Without purification or fortification of this realm, one may experience many faces of poverty consciousness, extreme fear of death/loss, deep fears or challenges around survival (physically, financially, socially, etc.), difficulty with experiencing a sense of belonging and connection (either to self and/or other), distortions around responsibility, boundaries (in self or with "other"), extensive physical and sexual trauma distortion/shame, a lack of security, an affinity for violence, and antagonistic-types of behaviors, bullying, master/slave dynamics, embodiment of victim archetypes, etc.
Without integrating the traumatic imprints in this realm, the other two realms of the lower three harmonic triad will inevitably be infected and infiltrated/imbalanced (living and creating from illusion/lie) and will cut one off from accessing higher realms or higher states of consciousness (truth). Short answer, it keeps us enslaved in our own fear constructs and negative beliefs. Paradoxically, these programs are created and born of very real and very true pain and suffering. Without addressing, processing and bringing awareness to it, we become vulnerable to specific technologies and viruses that begin to create situations in which we use our own suffering against ourselves (and others). And as we co-create our own reality from the various mechanisms running within, it can continue to express itself over and over until a major awakening or abrupt shift in awareness takes us from limitation and suffering to empowerment, freedom and joy.
Some perceive that we create what we "think", as thoughtforms and ideas become activated and come into being by the LAW OF STRUCTURE. I perceive that many beings don't actually create most of what they "think", but almost entirely what they BELIEVE or FEEL (coupled with the nervous system imprint itself) and re-enforce over and over both "inside" of themselves to be reflected outside of themselves. This can be very difficult to have awareness of when there are significant distortions running in the 1D layer of being, as we don't always have conscious access to seeing what lies within or it may feel too painful/we may resist it because of its difficulty. These patterns can begin to be seen when one pays attention to the way the body/mind reacts in response to certain stimuli or experiences. The body acts as a beautiful key to decoding what lies within the operating system, as we pay attention to certain symptomology a being may be experiencing, similar experiences that seem to keep repeating, and the voices or alters that come through when a being is in distressed or experiencing a state of fear.
As Creator beings, we may have a very deep-seeded belief about something in particular that will manifest in some form in our reality. This is to show us one of two things. 1: That we are Creator beings, co-creating the manifestation of our reality and reflecting mechanisms running in some layer or dimension of our expression. 2: The "outside" creation is meant to show us how we may be living, feeding, participating, or playing out certain dynamics based on what we believe about self/other/the world/God. If we do not have the lenses to see this, or the capacity to realize this, it is very easy to get lost in chaos. This may lead one to perceive that everything is just random, no rhyme, reason, structure, or order to the indescribable and sometimes incomprehensible loving design of this experience. The truth is, there are instruction sets for EVERYTHING that comes into being, and we often lay the foundation or feed into the creation of these timelines based on what we believe and/or what we may have running in the background, both the software that is currently downloaded and operating, and the damage that has occurred to the hard drive itself.
One of the main software programs on a hard drive full of unprocessed and unintegrated trauma is Victim/Victimizer Programing.
This programming is born of a result of very REAL trauma. This is in no way meant to discount the extreme harm and inexplicable horrors that beings have experienced as a result of this mechanism. Of course there is such a thing as a victim, and there is such a thing as a victimizer. I honestly empathize equally with both, because I view both in the same light. One is not "right" and one is not "wrong", both have been harmed/infiltrated and roped into participating in this program. This technology is what promotes war, the perception that another being, culture, expression, country, etc., is an adversary/enemy, and we must destroy, neglect, or harm it to "WIN". It promotes divide and conquer methodologies, to continue to take, abuse, mutilate, and harm ourselves or another, and find some excuse or justification to condone such behavior. "The VICTIMIZER hurt me, so therefore I have the right to hurt "them". Or, this person may hurt or take from me, so therefore I have the right to "protect" myself by hating, harming or killing them first. The victim becomes the victimizer, victimizer to victim, and on and on it goes, back and forth in an endless dance of dark acts and destruction until something comes through and breaks the cycle.
I believe this program still exists here today only because of the prevalence of separation consciousness in many of the beings embodied here, and the insurmountable amount of damage that has been inflicted upon this layer of our light body that is keeping many stuck in the consciousness of: SCARCITY, POVERTY, VIOLENCE, ANGER, HATE, AT WAR WITH SELF/OTHERS/WORLD/GOD/REALITY.
The truth is, when one's ego realms are fully "harmonized" and integrated, there is no longer a victim or a victimizer, they neutralize. One begins to see that as I hurt another, that I'm only hurting self, and vice-versa, since there is no separation truly between self and other. We feel, know, and live in endless appreciation of our own beautiful expressions of divinity, full of unique experiences and collected data over lifetimes. One feels, knows, and lives in the truth that we are all comprised of and born of ONE source, born of love; we are ONENESS, a universal consciousness expressing itself to know itself and relate to itself. It is in that knowing that we become impervious to infiltration and consciousness viruses of either the collective shadow and/or dark occult forces, and stand confidently and comfortably in our own power and right to live in alignment with Natural Law, in Truth, radiating true love for all/one.
But how does one access that realization and truly begin to embody it?
How does one reconcile their deep (sometimes very difficult to access) hurt and form a loving relationship with self/God/other? How does one free themselves from fear and limitation?
Those are big questions, and everyone may receive a different answer or co-create a different process of healing/remembering as a result.
The most difficult part I found in my own personal healing process of clearing pain and distortion from this realm, was that it always felt rather elusive. It wasn't clear until I acknowledged its existence. I then DECIDED that I would commit to be free of it, and began to consistently notice how these programs are running inside of myself and almost every person I come into contact with. Without any knowledge of this process of storage and what mechanisms were operating as a result, it can be very easy to get stuck in cycles of suffering for days, months, years, lifetimes, as each life is created and predicated upon what is running within our own individual soul expressions and collections of data that carry with us from one experience (or lifetime) to the next.
Many beings caught in this have unknowingly been participating and compressing the collective data of these experiences over and over, creating a deeper hole to dig out from, and more and more wounding (karma) to clear and heal from. VVP will trick and convince a being that what they believe is an absolute truth, that their concept of reality is the TRUE UNIVERSAL reality, when it is only a lens one looks through to view reality, and often a very distorted one. With beings who experience major root realm distortions, they also can become very easily manipulated by other expressions who have specific agendas and significant distortions in the 3RD ray realm that reflect the ego's desire to CONTROL, MANIPULATE, AND PARASITIZE for the sake of POWER. Significant root architecture damage weakens a being to be easily infiltrated and tricked by imposters to be used as a means to push whatever narrative they desire, slowly impacting one's ability to make serving decisions, potentially giving up various freedoms, body parts (etheric and physical), energy, power, etc. etc.
How I began to clear & harmonize distortional imprints & frequencies within my own 1D realm, to break out of Victim/Victimizer & continue to reconnect to TRUTH(God)…
I went right to the source of the splitting.
1D realm damage and mind control programs are often born of wounding via the FALSE KING OF TYRANNY. False Father Archetypal relationships, in us, in our family, in our relationships, in our world, in our universe, in our planetary network. Essentially, it is the individual and collective WOUNDED MASCULINE that promotes/remains vulnerable to this programming. This is the core vulnerability to LUCIFERIANISM. Let’s practice normalizing these concepts and discussing them without fear or a charge. For more information surrounding Luciferian architecture, see the post: False Father Wounding & Luciferianism.
I perceive this is one of the reasons for such a loud ANTI-MASCULINE movement that is in circulation right now. It is a collective expression that reflects the destabilization and distortion of the masculine principle, which keeps the collective in the deepest states of fear possible. This promotes disempowerment and separation from ourselves, others and the TRUTH.
What worked for me…was that I fully acknowledged and recognized that we are all infected. All of us. We’re all facing and navigating different faces of disempowerment and separation from our true parents, the Holy Mother & the Holy Father (or Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine) that harmonize and unify together to birth the Christ (which is born in us, in each of our hearts). It’s one thing to learn about it, talk about it, and conceptually analyze it - its a whole other thing entirely when you begin to see it and live it.
The next piece was getting right with my relationship to the masculine….my own inner masculine principle, my own father and my wounding with him, as well as processing the trauma of his death, and how I feel, relate to, and treat masculine expressions in general. Whatever wounding I hold here, creates a vulnerability or an access point for this software to activate. This is an ongoing process, and it really can’t be forced or expedited. Once you decide and commit, it will show up in waves and through consistent opportunity via experience to participate in active work through charges and memories, and challenging narratives and behaviors that may have been deeply ingrained or programmed from X,Y,Z.
Through my own commitment, as well as witnessing many I have supported in this over the years, it takes consistency and dedication, with compassion and courage. VVP isn’t a “light switch” that can just turn on and off (perhaps for some individuals it may be), it’s often a “dial” strengthening one’s capacity to process, modulate, and respond accordingly with awareness and respect for oneself and another, while remaining focused upon what may be necessary in order to promote safety. For me, it feels like constant trauma integration, and making decisions to support oneself in creating an ideal environment and situation in which trauma can be properly processed. It can incredibly challenging to engage in successful trauma integration/healing work in a container or a situation in which we are actively experiencing abuse and violence.
As we are all navigating collective predator mind software, I’ve seen many fall for the trap of resorting to avoidance or acquiescence, either consistently evading or resisting conflict or subscribing to a lifestyle in which one only lives in the light or via the lens of where we are collectively evolving to, without acknowledging where we are right now. What I mean by this is, when there is clearly a predator before you…we often will have to address and respond appropriately which may not always be able to be done “non-violently” YET. We will do our absolute best to create common ground or command space in a way in which there is no bloodshed or harm caused to either expression…however, sometimes that is not always possible in our current reality. The louder/more potent frequency will “win”. We require strong capable humans who are trained multidimensionally to respond accordingly to “danger” and distortion, to stand up with courage, strength, diplomacy, and the capacity to protect if necessary. Another way of saying this, we require strong, dedicated, loving, and supportive MASCULINE EXPRESSIONS. THESE MASCULINE PRINCIPLES ARE BUILT BY DEVOTION, RESPECT, LOVE AND SUPPORT DIRECTED AT THEM.
If we are hating it, blaming it, shaming it, manipulating it, trapping it, emasculating it, demeaning it, criticizing it, and treating it like it is the problem, it isn’t possible for us to evolve into our highest capacity. DARK PATRIARCHY IS CREATED BY WOUNDING & SEPARATION, DARK MATRIARCHY IS CREATED BY WOUNDING & SEPARATION, THEY BOTH CREATE AND FEED EACHOTHER.
Men are not the problem….women are not the problem…our unhealed wounding and our separation software creates the problem. This may activate some with a charge…listen up. I’ve been raped, beaten, belittled, stonewalled, punished, taken advantage of, and multidimensionally abused by men in my life. I’ve chosen to work through a tremendous amount of pain to get to where I am today, and also acknowledge what in me was misaligned that contributed to the creation of certain dynamics I have experienced. These men are no longer in my life…however - I love them, I forgive them, I pray for them, and I wish for the best things for them. I want them to know that I get it. I innerstand the pain and anger, rage, and suffering they feel that have caused this programming & behaviors to take hold. I’ve felt it deposited into my womb and base and into my field, all of the pain and misalignment they were carrying. It was hell to climb out of…pure hell. I don’t blame them…however, I hold them accountable. If someone in your life who is infected is consistently harming you (or themselves) and are not open to discussion, support, or accepting their own shadow and take responsibility to work through it, you may have to remove yourself lovingly from it, and continue on your path in another direction.
This has been and currently is an area to which I devote consistent training to…because it is complex, paradoxical, and extremely nuanced.
You can absolutely have access to and practice unconditional love…meaning, we have and carry love in our hearts for ourselves and others, regardless of what they may have running in their operating systems and how distorted the may be in their current state. AND we may have to completely eradicate any close personal connection with them, we may have to stand very firm in our boundaries, remaining ever vigilant, and we may have to resort to confrontation and mindful response to misaligned behaviors and abuse, which can result in physical expressions of defense.
Some will say they carry love in their hearts for another with true empathy and compassion, however - most are lying. You can discern from their behaviors, narratives, choices, and ways they chose to carry and express themselves in a given pressured or challenging situation to be able to see the truth clear as day.
Hearts are not open and fully operational when darkness and deception rules the mind.
If one does not respond in a way that they would want themselves to be treated, they are running VVP. Even if they perceive themselves to be “empathic”, “innocent”, “compassionate”, and otherwise. If you have been harmed, and your response is to retaliate or condemn, you’re running VVP. If you have been betrayed and your response is justifying future abuse and betrayal of another, you’re running VVP. If you see or hear something on social media about someone else and immediately punish, bully, shame or attack them, you are running VVP. If you gossip regularly and demean others whom you don’t fully innerstand, you don’t really know, or you may have not had firsthand experience of some of the things they have been through, you’re running VVP. If you are running superiority programs, living from the lens that you are better than others, or you deserve more than someone else, or you have a right to living the way you do at the expense of another, you guessed it…VVP. I see this all the time, especially in those who witness misalignment in another and quickly resort to making them an enemy or attacking them, when in reality - if another treated them the same way, they would be appalled or flabbergasted, and would also attack them as well.
On the flipside, if you are constantly blaming others, getting locked into “empath/narcissist narratives”, constantly seeking validation, stuck in avoidance, denial, and potent endurism, essentially engaging in self-abuse and self-neglect, you are also running VVP. Anytime we engage in a way that is false (lies), that promotes violence, abuse, harm and separation towards self and/or another, you can guarantee that this program is running.
We do not have to feel ashamed, as I said - all of us are infected in varying degrees, all of us are working this out in our own way. However, it is 100% your responsibility to see it, own it, address it, and work to integrate or neutralize it, for the love of yourself and the love of others/this planet. This is how we become free, multidimensionally, is through this work.
We must enhance our perceptibility and develop the courage to look at elements of self and other that we may wish to deny or pretend don’t exist, or elements that exist that are absolutely causing harm to self and other and be mindful to not over-identify with that behavior as being reflective of the real you!
Life gives us an incredible opportunity to purge this archontic deception strategy from our collective operating system. To free us from a long-standing virus of the mind that has been promoting unspeakable violence and harm for generations, that is not innate and true to who we are in our most aligned expression.
Next time you experience a charge and a negative thought, sensation, or behavior arise in which you cause harm to yourself or to another, acknowledge that this is VVP, create some space to regulate and stabilize before responding, choose to engage in a way that 1. you would want to be treated or 2. you would wish you may have been treated in a past traumatic event in which you were harmed by this programming that existed within another. This goes for our own internal battles as well. Pay attention to the narratives that will begin to spin out in your mind, and CHOOSE to make a different choice. We have to feel the pain and acknowledge it, and ask what, why or who this may be connected to, what can I learn from this? What is this showing me? If that doesn’t feel accessible, begin applying some form of love to it (to YOU) to release its hold so space can be created to feel and process the underlying emotion and relationship to the “trigger”.
Break the cycle of chaos, break the cycle of death-culture….rise up and remember who you are, what this is, and what we are capable of being when we unify in love and respect for ourselves, one another, for this planet, and beyond. Challenge false narratives in yourself and in others. Own your behaviors and the way you may be abusing yourself and others. And at the very least, if those who are around you are not respecting you, learn to respect and advocate for yourself…without causing further harm.
If this feels particularly challenging, and you notice a a very dense charge within, it means you require assistance in integrating and releasing pent up debris from trauma/unprocessed emotions. There are so many tools, teachers, avenues, and processes to support this.
Ask for help and commit…you (we) deserve it.
So much love to you.