The Art & Eras of Activating Forgiveness

"Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well." - Lisa Renee <3

Forgiveness is an artform, and it takes focus & dedication to master. I would go so far as to say, forgiveness is a state of being that is not possible to access unless one either consciously or unconsciously participates with the Law of One, remembering it as an inherent truth in this Universe. Without awareness of the non-linear reality, our deep connection to one another & our relationship to all things that exist, one does not yet have the lenses to see how potent the frequency of forgiveness is, nor its impact on our entire collective reality.

In my current form & expression, I do not claim to be a master of the art of forgiveness. I am a student of its ways, and I deeply value the opportunity to continue to grow and evolve this artform everyday. In the way I used to relate to self/other/God, true forgiveness would have never been accessible. Through the eyes of separation, the medicine of its wisdom will remain hidden. I feel it is cruel to force or expect forgiveness to occur when a being has experienced tremendous pain and harm and is unaware of their own heart intelligence. The true frequency & exchange of forgiveness, either offered within or to another expression, becomes a naturally occurring process as one devotes oneself to healing the pain from a transgression, as well as to look deeper into what the experience is offering to all involved.

For this share, we will look at eras and cycles of forgiveness in “stages”, to facilitate space holding & way-showing for what is possible when we develop clearer lenses with which to see/know, and offer to ourselves what is required to forgive.

Why direct attention & focus to developing the art of forgiveness?

To forgive others is to forgive the self.

To forgive another person or circumstances is the most generous thing one can do for self and for other. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger and open the door to victim/victimizer.

Forgiving yourself is the most important action to take to clearing self-sabotaging bonds of victimhood and their painful wounds from past, present and future. 

Forgiveness is a practice of self-acceptance. NO person requires forgiveness for just being who they are. The practice of forgiving yourself is about targeting the specific things that make one feel bad about themselves, the things that make one feel inadequate or unworthy, and to practice releasing overidentification with those things, confusing yourself & believing that those things are all that you are. Self-acceptance is to acknowledge that you are a good person, with faults and all. This does not mean that one ignores the faults or stops making genuine attempts to improve, yet it does mean that one values themselves above ALL of those elements. When one recognizes self-worth by acknowledging the whole self, then the personal power is generated to stop allowing these faults to be used as weaknesses to continually halt one’s progression and evolution throughout life.  With self-acceptance & direct attention on nourishing self-worth, we begin to love unconditionally.  Give yourself permission to heal with the necessary time it takes to do so. 

Without the development of forgiveness, we are often unable to accept certain circumstances, in relationship to the self and others. Not only does one allow themselves to remain stuck in the past, it also takes a huge energetic drain on your emotional and physical health. Inability to forgive is sourced from anger and resentment, two emotions that can wreak havoc on our health and keep us stagnated. Remember that forgiving does not equate with forgetting. Each painful or negative experience can be shifted into the context of learning and self-mastery, and one can be guided into higher wisdom through that experience. It's about ending the cycles of resentment, bitterness and self-inflicted berating that comes with remembering the painful issues of the past. 

There is a frequent misunderstanding that forgiveness equates to forgetting or condoning the actions of the past. This misunderstanding can lead a person to feel that it is not right to forgive oneself because in the process of doing so, one is accepting and tolerating what occurred as if it was acceptable. If this is the factor that is preventing forgiveness, keep in mind that forgiveness is a process of mindfulness in which one continues to remember what happened and actively chooses not to condemn the self or other.  We can take ownership for the things we may have done, and recognize that it is the other person’s responsibility to take ownership for what they may have done, yet not subjecting either yourself or the other to “punishment”. We may not feel proud of what we’ve done (or how we’ve devalued ourselves), and we can choose to move on for the sake of the health & well-being of ourselves and those around us. Affirming this is spiritually healthy and allows one to break the cycle of self-harm that one has fallen into because of openly acknowledging what was misaligned, and holding the intention to improve and strengthen ones character from now on. By staying true to oneself, this action builds self-esteem, through the esteeming acts one is committed to make towards loving oneself. 

I will come right out of the gate with perhaps a very inflammatory experience to share….it carries no intention of generating harm.

I often witness many faces of victim/victimizer built upon sheer illusionary tale, overidentification with the material/physical reality, and ALWAYS as a result of unprocessed & unhealed pain.

I’ll begin within my own self, for clarification.

When one is born or “bestowed” the gift of empathy and deep feeling for suffering, it can feel overwhelming to process the level of atrocity that exists within the mind of all/one. My mom is extremely empathetic and energetically sensitive, and my dad had a very deep gift of seeing, validating & space-holding for the suffering of others. Since I’ve gotten here, in this experience, I’ve felt like I can feel and notice EVERYTHING going on in multiple layers, constantly. If I direct my attention and focus, settle my body and ask questions, the insight immediately comes in. It has taken quite some time to develop discernment, and I continue to do so. As a result of this, everything I feel & notice seems to be quite amplified compared to other expressions I have connected with.

I must admit, throughout my phases and stages of remembering & evolving, I have experienced overwhelming anger & rage at the magnitude of misalignment & abuse that exists here. It took (and continues to take) a great deal of focus and commanded choice to remain loving & neutral despite the witnessing of elements that I do not align with, support, and experience tremendous challenge to “stomach” upon invitation into. I feel an intense charge within when I witness violence or harm. It could be towards anything, an object, a human, an animal, a tree, our planet, etc. In my body, it registers as “hurt”, and it hurts intensely. As a result it makes perfect sense to me that feelings of anger, disgust, resistance rise in a person who is experiencing this charge, and many will engage in an act of judgment, retaliation, and/or retribution as a result.

For many years, I experienced a very difficult time accepting the things about my behavior and aspects of my learned character that I did not appreciate. I’ll share about Garbage girl at some point…

As I focused my attention on this phenomenon, it became a whole other level of ouch when I began to feel the pain for both a victim & a victimizer, equally, both characters (internally within my own self) and externally for the other…to see, feel, and notice that both are engaging in harm towards self & other, on repeat, over and over until the cycle is broken.

My mom thinks I’m nuts, for many reasons…and she seemed very perturbed by my strange behaviors as an adolescent. So much of my life, I have been exposing myself to “darkness”, to innerstand it - to make sense of it, to know it. Many years ago, I used to watch a lot of true crime shows, documentaries about cults & sex-trafficking, intervention, all that stuff, exposing myself to all the “yucky things” my mom would like to pretend aren’t real. *Side note: I have tremendous compassion for my mom…her level of attunement and sensitivity to the suffering of others seems to be even more amplified than my own. Her nervous system has not developed the capacity to truly process the charge of pain we feel, and I innerstand completely.

I’ve seemed to always direct my attention to the “darker” side of life, not because I like it, but because I have felt a drive to know what exists here, and know how to be more of what I know I am, by learning about all the things I don’t want to be. I have 5 planets in Scorpio, including my sun. I am no astrology expert, but perhaps that may have something to do with it.

Anyways….exposure therapy. Years. Some may say this is needless torture, or perhaps a form of “chaos” porn. I never began to really enjoy my experiences of pain I would subject myself to, either in my active life or the things I witnessed happening to others. I was the “weirdo” who would cry and cry for both the murderer and the victim, equally. Yet, I had to keep learning. Many have gotten very angry at me for not “siding” with victims - it got to a point, honestly, where I couldn’t really tell which one was the victim and which one was the victimizer, both are so hurt and distorted, how could one not feel compassion for both? When I was very young, I was always asking my dad about demons, aliens, war, sickness, etc.…and thankfully, he would respond very authentically and engage in my questioning without treating me like I was bizarre for asking these questions at 7 years old.

After all the disclosure, I wouldn’t say I’ve become desensitized, yet - I do feel that as a result of this, my threshold and capacity for sitting with discomfort and difficult aspects of reality has definitely increased. I was in 5th grade when 9/11 happened…and even at that point, I knew what was going on. I have been diligently working on increasing “deception detection”, and in order to do that, I’ve had to study the “enemy”. Even as a tiny child being born into a family who belonged to a Catholic Church, and I began my early life in a Catholic school, I knew that shit was fucked. From the very beginning, nothing they ever said to me made any sense at all. So grateful my parents got me out of there by fourth grade. My expression was definitely not appreciated or well-received in that container. I continued to go to church until about 10 years old… the whole time I just stared at the stained glass, tuned the whole thing out because, honestly, mass in a catholic church freaks me out, and consistently asked why this all felt so wrong, and who and what was actually “right”.

I guess I’ve always had a strong desire to know the truth, as well as an equally strong desire to neutralize victim/victimizer - even before I knew anything about it conceptually. I’ve never truly wanted to “take sides”…as most of my life, I’ve felt like a solo character on a balcony above the show, watching all the parts and pieces, yet never really being a part of a “team”. As a 90’s kid, existential contemplation on the nature of reality and innerstanding consciousness, psychoanalysis, and the spiritual holocaust that has been taking place for, God knows how long, didn’t make me very “relatable”. I work very hard to be, but I often felt “too deep” for those around me at my age, I still do sometimes.

Anyways, I have felt often that I could drown in much as I exposed myself to the “ugly” side of life, it still really didn’t make sense to me. How could we act and treat ourselves and others in these ways? Why? What is going on here? As always, when I pray - answers come. Thankfully, the waves of disclosure came in for me like periodic storms - instead of a huge tornado of truth.

Many are still unaware of the level of Satanic & Luciferian architecture that exists in us and all around us, that has been embedded into the planetary grid system, and almost every structure or industry we perceive to be “normal” and “acceptable”. The level of hold this architecture has is directly related to the level of unhealed/unprocessed trauma within a being (or culture), as well as whatever remaining vulnerabilities we may carry, largely from FEAR, intense pain, and an unwillingness to move beyond deeply rooted narratives about self and other which keep us in bondage to the anti-christ forces.

I am going to share a relevant story which drastically altered the way I began to look at life, with an intention of inviting you into a more aligned perspective around the art of forgiveness.

I have had an issue with racism programming (or really any kind of “othering”) for as long as I can remember…I grew up in a household where it wasn’t really an element in our family system. My father didn’t seem to have an ounce of bigotry in his body…he accepted all people as they were, and always saw the “good”, the magic, or the potential in a being, despite where they came from or what their DNA expression held. My mother deeply cared for the feelings of others, and was extremely conscientious of offending or upsetting anyone. I learned to discern & observe others based upon their behaviors & dispositions, and never to make an assumption or judgment against an entire people, just because of the bodies they were born into or what they believed. As I grew up and began to catch on to the theme of “othering” that I witnessed in the culture around me, the phenomenon of racism, sexism, creedism, etc., never really made sense to me…more things that didn’t make sense.

Upon the intensity of my “awakening” process, I have had many fragments of memory resurface over the years connected to my indigenous heritage…as I carry many traumatic imprints of several times over experiencing persecution, displacement, being vilified and destroyed because of what body I happened to be born in at the time, and what belief structure I carried. I will not lie, I fell into the trap of hating my “oppressor” for a while. I was very angry at the mistreatment & ignorance, injustice, and frankly dumbfounded by the cruelty. It wasn’t until a specific experience I had with an expression, whom was carrying a loud element of this programming within their being, did my perception begin to shift.

Again, this is with love…I know it may activate a charge in some - and I intend for it to be compassionate and healing.

A few years ago, I met an expression who happens to be in a body in this life that contains DNA of African American descent. This being carried an enormous level of hatred and rage for “whites”, demanding retribution & punishment for the crimes committed against her ancestors. This being, at a surface level, despised me for the color of my skin…claiming that I deserve to suffer for the “sins of my European ancestors”. I deeply sympathize and innerstand the reasoning behind this mechanism, I do. There is tremendous pain embedded in each of the 12 tribes, and all of the tributaries and hybridizations of them because of our history. I did laugh a little inside because my DNA configuration in this body contains a large amount of indigenous coding, Southern Italian coding (with many memories as a Cathar, deep suffering from the Catholic Satanists), as well as Georgia coding (the country above Armenia & Turkey, not the state in the U.S. lol). I don’t actually have a drop of the “white European expression” in my form, of what she was referring to. I have faced several challenging fragments of memory that are stored deep within my being from the Armenian genocide, which has been going on a lot longer than many realize…(and is a whole other thing), and many other campaigns waged against those who align with life, truth & God. I too have been persecuted for my beliefs, my form, and my configuration. Then I got to thinking…haven’t we all at this point? Every culture on every continent in every era of humanity? How do we heal this?? It seems so big, complicated, and interwoven into massive pieces of miasma, powering countless separation consciousness programs.

Anyways, initially, I felt uncomfortable and worked to modulate the energy. I peered deeper, asking questions and accessing insight. I saw and felt the tremendous amount of pain this individual was carrying within the 1D & 2D dimensional layers of her expression…which was activating a very loud subsidiary program of divide & conquer in the 3D architecture. The heart was blocked & there was too much emphasis on the current form and expression without awareness yet of the multi-dimensional self. The level of shock and abuse in the 1D felt like a wave of fire in my body. I wanted to cry and hug her…and tell her, I know. I feel that too. And I am so deeply saddened by the way all people have been treated, especially the line in which your current form comes from.

At the time, I was not able to command the space strong enough or modulate my own charge enough to tell her in person what I was feeling upon investigation, for concern of being attacked further & misunderstood, or potentially causing harm. I remained quiet and neutral, held back my tears from the pain I was feeling for her, and removed myself from the container so that I could proceed to process it solo (as I have had to do many times along this journey).

I prayed for insight into what was being offered to me, what did this experience have in the form of a gift to expand my awareness and allow me to innerstand deeper behind this theme or persona, what does this represent? What I saw was very fascinating to me….this person before me in an African American female body had lived a life of a white man not too many incarnations back, and embodied the very expression this person claimed to hate. Essentially she was carrying a deep wound of self-forgetting/self-hatred from lifetimes ago that seemed to “water down” or shift in form throughout the incarnational process until her soul/Monad completes the fragmentation that led to the birth of the misalignment in the first place. She was also mirroring an element in me that I had not yet looked at or processed fully, for I too still carried deep pain and anger towards those that have hurt me, and are killing me and my people. Consciously, I had chosen to love. Subconsciously, I was still fucking livid…and I felt an animalistic force rise up in me that wanted to punish those that have continued to lie, distort, steal, and harm. Those that defile life and feed the anti-life machines for what…for fucking money? Power? Control? Just because they can? I felt a wave of sorrow for the babies…I always cry for the babies. It became so much that I surrendered to prayer. For I did not want this to exist within me, yet - I was unsure of how to get it to “stop”.

As I centered my breath, I was invited into more. I heard a very distinct inner voice say…well, you still hate yourself, because you do not fully remember yourself. This was a deeply moving and also overwhelming access point and realization. As I asked for further insight, I was shown multiple layers of reality playing out at once, one on top of the other. It almost looked like a layered-cake of timelines. On a few timelines…there are characters fighting, killing and maiming each other, typical victim/victimizer instruction sets, above it - the very same characters are communicating and planning out this scenario from a “higher” perspective…almost as if they are running a drill or staging an experience for learning purposes, like co-workers having an afternoon meeting lol, the next level higher - these beings are family, loving and supporting, encouraging one another to grow and expand by orchestrating these elements as a mutual agreement with so much reverence for themselves & the “other”, the next higher level there was only one…one being dreaming this whole thing up inside of their own mind.

And this is why I no longer macrodose on psychedelics haha…I sit, breathe, pray/ask and wait, and it will be dropped right into my hearthead. The psychadelics became too loud & disorienting for me…must stay grounded within my body and being as this character to successfully anchor in what I have agreed to do here. I really love this body and expression now, I’d like to stay in it until it’s time to “go”, please!

This really got me feeling lots of things…and I chose to thank this woman from my heart for what was offered as a result of this interaction - even though her lower self wanted to stomp my face. I get it. I learned that, to really move beyond the lower level lenses of separation & victim/victimizer, the pain HAD to be witnessed, felt and released in order to see beyond what was going on in that particular layer. We must witness and recognize what we have done to ourselves & each other…and take ownership for it. We also must remember that it’s happening to everyone here, even if it may not look like it on the surface. All of us have damage within our genetic architecture, all of us are tapped into, and affected by, the pain and suffering of us and our planet. This is what I meant by recognizing and aligning with the Law of One as a gateway to forgiveness. What we do to self is done to other, what we do to other is done to self. There is NO separation. It may seem like there is, in this 3D model, yet that is only true on one layer of dimensional reality.

To free ourselves from the pain, means to acknowledge the pain of the victim, as well as the pain of the victimizer. To not overly identify as one or other recognize that each situation is multilayered and designed for us, by us, to essentially learn (or remember) how to read patterns and shift our choices when met with similar themes over and over. We’re all hurt…and we are all also WHOLE & ONE. The nature of experiencing life through a dualistic lens haha, both are happening simultaneously.

To see above it and recognize what is going on in higher realms was very helpful…however, in my own process of healing - I could not simply “brainwash” myself to look away from the very real pain that was still stored within me. I could tell myself over and over to stay focused on a larger picture or piece, but I would never truly release or move on from the event if I didn’t allow myself to process it in its entirety. To complete and truly receive the blessing/opportunity being offered from the bloodshed. I know that sounds very strange…and I pray that it doesn’t generate any harm. I never mean to discount what has occurred here and make it “okay”. It isn’t…it’s fucking wrong…however, it is generated for a purpose, for a reason. And it keeps being generated because something within us has not processed and moved beyond the original wounding that activated the misalignment in the first place. The forgetting of who we are.

The truth is…there is planetary-self wounding, soul wounding, monadic wounding, and galactic/cosmic wounding…whether it is from a death in your family as a human, a genocide of your people, or the death & destruction of your entire planet, it’s all recorded in our database of multiverse memory files and each of us plays a part in the integration of that.

On that note, let’s expound upon the eras or layers of forgiveness, which is what this share is all about.

Again, this is a framework that has worked for me. It isn’t the “only” way, and I encourage you to develop and explore your own process in a way that feels authentic for you.

#1 Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do

One of my favorite teachings of Yeshua. It isn’t an excuse for misaligned behavior, yet you must know - many people here are HEAVILY mind controlled. Many are very sick in their current form, and are playing out various distorted consciousness programs as a result of our collective misaligned state and compounded trauma. We have been hijacked by the false self for a very long time, and it is really advanced & intelligent. Yet, it will never surpass the organic source coding no matter how hard it works to. We are actively participating in a very exciting moment in our planetary history where the true organic light is coming back online inside of us, as well as “outside” of us. We move in cycles, consciousness moves in cycles and spirals. We happened to be moving through a long era of dark night and separation (the scenic route) and are now on the precipice of a more aligned age of being. The earth is ascending positively, meaning towards service to other, instead of service to self at the expense of other. Many people you see causing and perpetuating harm are “asleep”. They have forgotten the true nature of reality and have zero awareness of multidimensionality and life beyond what they see with their 5 senses AND there are those who are aware and have decided to negatively polarize because that is the choice made with their own free will...or so they perceive…

Those of us who are awakening & expanding in awareness a bit “sooner” than others are tasked with way-showing and supporting ourselves & others through the integration process as we all wake up and come back online. Some expressions will not graduate this time around in their current form…I know it is painful and it is also perfectly okay (there’s that fun duality game again). We all will continue on our never-ending journey.

Acts of atrocity are not reflective of our natural state. Violence, subjugation, ruthless lies, manipulation, and killing is NOT our natural state. Yet, it is a part of this reality. We all carry a piece of the misalignment pie. Chew it up, digest it, and bake something new. Offer yourself a gift of acceptance for things you may have said, done, or acted out and acknowledge that you were operating from a state of being that is not actually reflective of what you truly are —ALSO, practice offering that gift to others. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Forgive yourself, for you did not know what you were doing…

#2 The Darkness is You Too & It Also Isn’t.

“The war in me is reflected in the world I see. The peace in me is reflected in the world I see.”

From my story above, the experience I had of the multi-layered cake of dimensional spaces, I recognized that I perceived myself to be the dream, yet who I truly am is the one who is dreaming. The characters we play are just that, characters. Sometimes we are heroes and sometimes we are villians…that is the beauty of this life, is our capacity to witness & CHOOSE. The spirit self exists infinitely, eternally, far beyond the parameters of this physical universe AND in the human experience we participate in this process of integration & transmutation of the illusion of what we think we are, into what we have always been.

Organic darkness keeps the process going…it keeps the cycles moving and the wheels of life turning.

Unconditional love is the absolute acceptance of all things. So, we can process and learn to accept that anti-life architecture is a part of this reality, dreamed up in the mind of all/one as it is experiencing and remembering itself AND it is always within our power to decide if that is something we will participate with or not. You can choose Love & Unity or Fear & Duality - both will ultimately lead back to one, there is a “faster” route and the scenic one, both are acceptable and loved in the eyes of all/one. Will you love the darkness in yourself back to wholeness?

I’ve also been quite confused by many elements of separation consciousness in which a person will reject another person or an entire people because of something that may have happened between them at some point. When you make a mistake, or you engage in a way you are not proud of, do you like how it feels to be punished, rejected, deserted and crucified? I certainly don’t. Why do we do it to others?

Why do we shame and blame another person and treat others in ways we would never want to experience ourselves?

Well, your “darkness” and your “shadows” respond in very much the same way. All the parts of you that you reject, you are continuing to harm. They won’t ever “heal” or “go away” by doing so. They often get louder. See it, embrace it, and recognize that it is a part of us that was born of hurt, pain and rejection, then we must offer acceptance, forgiveness, and actively participate in engaging in the opposite way we have been (offering love). That, my friends, is called “shadow integration” and it is an artform of forgiveness <3. All of the pieces now align and get back on the bus, with your heart in the driver’s seat now. When you do that within, it becomes second nature to offer that to another.

#3 Healing is a Game of Opposites

Much of my life has been wrought with pain…deep loneliness, emotional abuse and neglect, witnessing of some pretty crazy shit, betrayal, deep sense of disconnection & feeling misunderstood, many experiences of rape & sexual abuse, so much relational trauma & loss, all with a very high-level of empathy and deep feelings that seem to magnify all senses….lots of fun pieces to work with and process.

The thought of forgiveness as a reality when I was in the thick of processing so much trauma was unfathomable…and as I said before, is cruel to expect that from yourself or anyone else navigating intense pain and suffering without receiving (or allowing themselves to receive) support or guidance.

We must create, call in, and offer to ourselves the opposite of whatever we have been experiencing that caused us great pain. This means…if all we have known is chaos & drama, we must experience and create stability and peace in our lives. If we have been abused repeatedly in relationship, we must choose to create and engage in relationships that are safe, loving & supportive. If you are destroying your body, you must focus your attention on nourishing and supporting it. If you keep entertaining destructive and degrading thoughts in your mind, you must begin to direct your focus and attention in generating the opposite. Your mind may trick you into believing this is not possible or you are not worthy of it…and oh boy, do I get it. I validate your feelings, yet that is an absolute LIE. This is the realm of polarity, which means as much shitty fucked up garbage that exists here, so too does the opposite. And you are ABSOLUTELY WORTHY of it, even if parts of you really don’t believe it yet. You ARE it. With consistent acts of kindness towards yourself, and offering to yourself whatever has been lacking, opening up to another who desires to give that to you (even if it’s a dog at first, like in my case haha) the pain will process out - your perceptions will shift, and forgiveness will begin to occur naturally. The bindings and attachments will release, and we will experience freedom from the wounding that keeps us limited and suffering.

Short answer = a mind in Duality must commit to developing/remembering a consciousness in Unity.

When we process our own pain, we will see almost automatically the pain within another and access why they did/do what they did/do. Every single person who has hurt me in my life was also hurting too, and every person I hurt was because I was in pain. We must create balance here to “make it”.

It is possible to have love for someone who is abusive & misaligned, and also not tolerate or continue in the dynamic or relationship if it is perpetuating harm.

If not, strive to hold neutral. Any hate in your heart for another will continue to infect you and harm you, too.

#4 The Law of Suggestion & The Law of Transformation

These two Universal Laws offered me a framework to conceptualize deeper into the art of forgiveness.

These laws are MASSIVE principles. With very clear definitions, however - we can look at them and relate to them in so many ways…I have spent hours and hours talking about it with Michael. HOURS. I won’t keep you here for hours…AND I must do these beloved laws justice.

Let’s begin with the LAW OF SUGGESTION. This explanation is offered via Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis. I take zero credit for the anchoring in of this particular segment, and I offer my deepest gratitude for her expression and for the opportunity to share.

“Essentially, this means we are the sum total of our accumulated thoughts and beliefs, what has been suggested to us through spoken words, our direct experiences and interpretations of life, subconsciously, consciously and through our spiritual bodies. What is spoken, what is heard, what is seen and perceived from this body filter, is the suggestion of what we become. This consciousness principle also explains the gathering of inner strength that is required to go beyond what is spoken and heard, therefore was suggested to us from environmental conditioning, such as the family of origin inherited beliefs and behaviors. How do we shift out from the accumulated results of the millions of suggestions sent out to us since birth? We must learn how to speak clearly by directing focused mental energy upon a positive idea or loving thoughtform, in order to magnify that spoken word or thoughtform substance into the manifest. Yet, holding observer point without attachment to how it actually manifests. Or this may define the discipline and inner strength we find deep inside our heart-based convictions, the power that is required to examine our thought processes and motivations that have been inherited, and to choose to redirect the spoken words into more positive thoughts and loving behaviors that serve one’s highest expression. We constantly send out and receive energetic patterns of spoken and heard suggestions, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, as that content we are being exposed to within the environment which is interactive with the sum total of our multidimensional experiences. To abuse this Natural Law, the people of earth are subjected to electronic harassment and mind control bombardment, which interferes with the spoken and heard suggestions subliminally. This is scrambling our DNA signals, thus we generally receive more inorganic and artificial messages, rather than the organic and authentic messages from divine intelligence, until we begin to spiritually ascend and awaken. 

When suggested thoughts have a powerful emotion associated with them, whether positive or negative, the strongest emotion will tend to rule how the thoughtform is realized into matter. Strong emotional fear will always hold one back in manifestation, and override a weaker emotional desire to succeed or expand. This is why the Controllers use complex layers of fear programming through subconscious suggestion, as it blocks our mind and personal will to manifest clearly. To gain emotional clarity, we must tame the unruly nature of our personal instinctual desires and negative emotions, and direct the inner fire of our actions to serve personal enlightenment on the road to achieving consciousness freedom.  It is only when we have opened our heart-mind interaction, by practicing loving kindness towards ourselves and others, that it cleanses our mental impurities and accumulation of inverted or fear based suggestions. This is what is required to transcend the artificial suggestions being broadcasted into our mind, body and spirit, reprogramming the fear-based suggestions into loving kindness, so we can achieve our spiritual goals by actualizing our spiritual mission and blueprint.

Through our energy centers or chakra centers, we receive the subtle energies from the Solar Light attracted through the quality of our thoughts and emotions, and we direct these energies into the external to co-create a harmonious and peaceful environment for ourselves and others. The purpose of our incarnation is to gradually embody the full actualization of our inner light source, a reflection of our inner Sun, but we must learn how to use our life force and energy resources properly and in alignment to our heart based and authentic spiritual being. The more consciously we participate with directing our personal power in alignment to our higher purpose, in service to others, we steadily increase the likelihood of our ability to transmit the spiritual power of the Solar Light to recreate the peaceful state of the Garden of Eden in our personal life. Through the Solar Light, the Sun, we feel loving vibrations and gain immense spiritual power and strength, thus this consciousness principle is also connected to the building of our lightbody, and is also referred to as the Law of Strength.”

When I become conceptually aware of this law a few years ago….lifechanging. Thank you, God. So many of the things that didn’t make sense to me for so long, I finally received answers to.

I was definitely generating a very shitty reality for myself because the thoughts & beliefs I were entertaining within were not conducive to creating an aligned life for myself, and for those I was connected to, which I then realized is everyone and everything...

Once I became aware of Natural Law, there was no turning back. This is the framework of all manifestation. Those who choose to learn and align with this, your life and life for all of us WILL shift for the “better”.


“As our consciousness moves through the energy matrix of time, the results of our experiences are transforming us on multiple planes simultaneously, passing from one stage into another in an eternal cycle. In these cycles, there is no real death, only transformation of the energy form into another form, as consciousness moves throughout the timelines in a perpetual state of death and rebirth. For the purposes of spiritual growth, we will encounter many situations and events that will constantly evolve and change, and as these situations end, transformation occurs in which new situations will take their place. All of the experiences we have, the change and transformation that we have endured, is intelligent consciousness information, acquired knowledge that we will take with us wherever we go. The ego death occurs when the false identity and old way of thinking dies and an aspect of ourselves is reborn, this also encompasses the consciousness principle of the Law of Transformation. To achieve the inner alchemy of synthesizing the polarity of the energies that we are exposed to, we are constantly transforming the energies, transforming ourselves, transforming the timelines. Through every transformative event, we are elevating ourselves towards achieving spiritual liberation and transcendence. We move through various portals of change and transformation throughout our life, or we move entirely into another dimension of reality.”

When we reflect on and marry these two together, the Law of Suggestion & The Law of Transformation, to me, this was the key to unlocking and gaining deeper access into the art of forgiveness (as well as so much more).

When one remembers that, yes, we have been heavily programmed by our own shadow AND we also have absolute command & authority over what one thinks, believes, and expresses, we ARE the power to create. Merge that with the truth that there is no “end”, that we are all dancing, enduring, and transforming TOGETHER AS ONE, and every experience we have has the opportunity to activate transformation & transcendence in multiple stations of identity, over multiple timelines, well - life begins to look very different than it has for the last couple thousand years.

What I long for, what we all long for, is love & connection with self & with other. To embody the unlimited self, the authentic self.

This can be created…love, kindness, forgiveness is created. And it starts (and never ends) with you & I.

So much love to you.


Neutralizing victim/Victimizer: Healing the Roots of your Tree


The Spirits of Christ: Establishing Rapport & Becoming More