The Spirits of Christ: Establishing Rapport & Becoming More
Christ is a state of being in which anyone can embody. There have been several Christed beings who have walked this planet. The teachings of Yeshua, whom is a Christed being, were coded specifically to support deeper activation & evolution within the collective towards TRUTH & ALIGNMENT - to be directed back into our NATURAL STATE OF BEING VIA GENETIC REPAIR. This being expresses what is possible when the heart and mind unify with the power of true love & love of truth, as we begin to remember who we are. The correct, aligned & organic source coding, flowing through all layers of one’s expression. Free of implantation, manipulation, puppetry, hijack, interference, reversals, dead energy structures, disease & separation from source. Free to walk & choose in the will of their own, without all of this inorganic fuckery to thwart & distort the soul’s organic evolutionary process.
The negative polarity, very loud and formidable, mounts an anti-christ movement so tactful, so brutal. First born in the minds of the negative forces, thoughts put into action via feeding into & encrypting the consciousness technologies, then formed & installed into the minds and hearts of the people, fed and propagated by mass dark ritual and grid manipulation to open the gates that allow shadow to come and go as it pleases, through us, through the elementals, through distorting & manipulating light & sound, through the technologies. Designed to scan and access all weaknesses and apply custom destabilization frequencies to assume ownership of an expression to power its machine. Multidimensional war. Brilliantly horrifying.
There are many beings here accessing deeper truth, layer by layer. For those awakening to this, I found that consistent study of the negative polarity, their campaigns, their tactics & their modus operandi instilled a much required sense of confidence to the process of accessing how to embody the opposite. With an activated heart, this information can be extremely difficult to accept. Digestible chunks…work to stay in neutral & consciously apply the LAW OF OPPOSITES (or LAW OF POLARITY) when required. Healing is a game of opposites….if we fall too far into disdain and negativity, we must create the opposite frequency to maintain balance. I am not going to take us into the depths of the darkness, as there are many other expressions to which it is part of their mission to highlight multidimensional misalignments. It isn’t necessarily a main responsibility of mine. You will be guided towards it when you are guided towards it.
I am sharing what has worked best for me, in the midst of my own experience with obfuscation and intense rationalization of what I have been invited into seeing that really exists here. This is to be of service to another who may benefit from my share.
White magic & black magic operate in very much the same way, as it is the intention behind the process and configuration of the ritual that creates distinction from one another. “White” magic reveres life and is in service to other, black magic defiles life in service to self. For those of us who have chosen life and TRUTH as our path along this journey, whom have casted their vote in terms of what we will participate with & what we choose to embody, we must stay ever diligent in our awareness of what is - and choose to apply counterbalancing to what is concocted by the opposite expression in the various planes of reality, which begins in our own minds.
This can sound like a very difficult task, as we may not always have clear direct access as to what is most in alignment at every single crossroads and decision.
The truth is, we are not in control…there are elements playing out beyond comprehension, beyond what many can conceptually grasp or innerstand in terms of how/what to apply that is necessary to correct such enormous distortions. The I that writes this is not intellectually adept at dismantling high-level/higher-dimensional negatively polarized technologies. However, the spirit or essence of God (Truth, Source, Love *practice interchanging these words when you see the word “GOD”) that lives inside of each of us knows exactly what to do/be, at all times. The connection to that spirit/force is what is within our power to strengthen & nourish. When we develop a strong rapport and deep relationship with God & Krystic forces, we are free to release the desire to “control” outcomes, to feel like we must “know” all things, and we begin to effortlessly surrender to God, and the will of God, to work and move through us to facilitate what is required.
Spoiler alert….GOD is not a HE. And I automatically wince still when I hear God referenced as a He by other expressions. The almighty father in the sky who “controls” and dictates outcomes of situations, watches closely, judges harshly, smites or punishes those that defy “him”, harms and chastises those who are “unworthy” or whom have not accepted the word of God (whatever iteration of the Bible exists now) as the absolute truth word for word, programming others to fear, hate, kill, condemn, and turn away from anyone else who doesn’t blindly follow is a FALSE ALIEN GOD. It is a poser…an imposter. Brilliantly concocted to launch the most insidious of separation campaigns. To turn on our own magic & wisdom, our brothers and sisters, our family, our planet, and depending on how developed one’s lens is, to essentially destroy ourselves, all with the guise that we are holy and doing the work of the “heavenly” father.
God is genderless, and all genders at once. God is the amalgamation of all things that exist, as it is the SOURCE CODE of creation, of life, of consciousness. The organic and aligned expression of God is pure LOVE & CREATION. And those that have developed a rapport with this force and walk in alignment with truth know how sacred life is, and how sacred every one of us is. The aligned expression of God is not designed to impose limitation on its own self/creations. There are expressions whom have chosen a path to separate from God, and seek to become something outside of itself, in service of itself, due to sheer ignorance, perhaps… as separation does not actually exist. When one lives and operates in a state of service to self at the expense of other, at some degree they are still harming themselves and distorting themselves further away from truth and into a labyrinth of illusion. Maybe the experience of it is required for that individual or collection of expression to have. I have not accessed the clearest most certain answer as to “why”. There are many theories I’ve studied, and I’ve pondered upon the nature of reality as long as I can remember. It’s happening though, for something. Infinity seems impossible to fathom while operating with and through the lenses and limitations of my human mind. And I’ve surrendered the “need” to know.
I feel that our “job” living in a human body, on planet earth, at this time, is to CHOOSE and remember we have the power to CHOOSE because we ARE the power. What will I create as a creator-being? As an expression of the infinite divine source code. With this life, these gifts, these challenges, these moments, these opportunities, what will I choose? A false god will always work to distort and violate the mind of all one into believing there is no choice….and that you have no power. There is “God” up here, and there is “You” down there. Follow what “he” says and you will be rewarded, defy and question and you will be punished. This false god mirrors & is a direct macro expression of the false “self”, the anti-you, the anti-christ, the voice that whispers in your ear tainted ideas of superiority & inferiority, of victim & victimizer, of divide & conquer, master/slave, FEAR, jealousy & envy, wrath/rage, greed & avarice, tricks you into believing that cruelty, stealing, lying, deceiving, poisoning, raping & killing is justified by X,Y,Z.
This is running in all of us, in varying degrees. We have been a part of this game for thousands and thousands of years, playing many different characters and embodying various roles along the way. Today…and every day, remind yourself that you have the power to CHOOSE how you show up and participate in this game. You have the power to challenge the narratives inside of you & outside of you, you have the power to heal, integrate and reconcile deep distortion within all layers of you, and that impacts every layer in every being, everywhere. You have the power to alter collective reality. You ARE power. The negative polarity cannot actually take any power from you. You either are tricked into operating in less of it, or you choose to operate in more of it.
Fear or Love?
False or True?
Misaligned or Aligned?
Sick or Healthy?
Owned or Ownership?
Enslaved or Liberated?
Anti-Life or Life?
Control or Command?
Submit or Surrender?
Limited Self or Unlimited Self?
Separation or Unity?
With each opportunity, everything that life brings you…what will you choose?
If you choose to, here is a Spirits of Christ practice that has been extremely beneficial to me along my journey.
Beloved God & The Spirits of Christ, I choose to participate, receive, learn, remember and grow into my highest potential and expression of being for the benefit of All/One. As I prepare for meditation & inner exploration, I choose to only exchange and engage with expressions and frequencies that are of 100% unified light, those whom serve & protect the Law of One, support organic life, and align with Universal Law. All misaligned and mis-qualified frequencies, entities, technologies, and expressions are not permitted to enter or influence this container. I choose to have courage to face elements within myself that may not be pleasant and access deeper truth about myself and shadow to be illuminated, transformed, and integrated into the neutral point.
What is my responsibility in this moment to be true to my heart and to live ethically and in harmony with life?
PRAYER: I call in and choose to embody the Spirit of Humility to evict & dismantle the Spirit & House of Pride/Separate-Self Importance
ACTIVATION: Consistent willful action in resonance with the Spirit of Humility
IDEAS TO APPLY: Practice taking ownership of one’s own misaligned thoughts and behaviors. Practice recognition & appreciation of others. Remain open to feedback & apply what is learned. Celebrate & empower others. Commit to self-awareness practice. Ask for help when required.
ORGAN NETWORK TO EXPLORE/HARMONIZE: LARGE INTESTINE/COLON (most often found implants & cording here to this house, can be a sneaky place where lots of “waste” and debris can get stuck, lots of people are “full of shit” literally, control and submission technologies take hold very often here, holding too tight and too long, or releasing too quickly and without full command, wounds and “sins” of the father in the family line accumulation, irritation & inflammation from long-standing pathogens and infiltrations that never fully “leave” the bodies - can also be connected elsewhere, good place to start when scanning and accessing…work to neutralize SHAME & BLAME & FEAR OF OTHERS/FALSE AUTHORITY)
PRAYER: I call in and choose to embody the Spirit of Generosity to evict & dismantle the Spirit & House of Greed
ACTIVATION: Consistent willful action in resonance with the Spirit of Generosity
IDEAS TO APPLY: Engage in consistent acts of service to another with no expectation of return. Offer prayers of gratitude to all you have been given & all that you are. Practice showing up for self & others in loving kindness. Reflect upon what it is that you can give instead of what you can get.
ORGAN NETWORK TO EXPLORE/HARMONIZE: LUNGS (giving & receiving, purification pathway & gateway to shifting of consciousness, without proper and aligned breath, God/higher consciousness is not fully animating your body and being to the level it could be. Many say the lungs hold grief and they do, longstanding and compounded unprocessed grief can easily open doors and create vulnerabilities to faces of Greed, especially those who feel justified in taking energy, resources, time, attention, etc. because of their own unprocessed losses & pain - many overburdened by grief can lose sight of positive aspects or opportunities that could be gained from their experience of pain - they can quickly turn into a siphon/drain…remind yourself of your inherent capability to withstand discomfort and sit with your feelings, generously give to yourself the love, attention, compassion & commitment required to soothe the wounds of grief and loss, and perceived lack. Notice patterns when it comes to self-medicating, this is a big one that activates justification of overconsumption & desire for more, to fill a hole that can never be filled by a person, place, or thing….it is waiting for you to fill it with love & acts of generosity towards yourself and others. When you have more “life” in your body (animating life force), you can freely give & receive)
PRAYER: I call in and choose to embody the Spirit of Kindness to evict & dismantle the Spirit & House of Envy/Jealousy
ACTIVATION: Consistent willful action in resonance with the Spirit of Kindness
IDEAS TO APPLY: Cultivate true celebration for the achievements of others around you. Commit to consistent expression of self-love & self-appreciation and share that with others. Practice the cultivation of desire for everyone to win. Practice gratitude for where you are and what you have, and trust that you have the capacity to cultivate all that you require.
ORGAN NETWORK TO HARMONIZE: STOMACH/SPLEEN (most often found implants and low-self esteem programming/negative ego cording & thoughtforms in these organ networks, perceived inability to process and sit with an aspect of truth they are unwilling to accept about themselves, others, situations, etc. Misalignments here will promote either direct or covert smear campaigns of others, manipulation, can open the door to distorting facts, black magic in the form of harmful thoughts towards others ***thinking terrible things about others or visualizing harming or hurting another person is a form of black magic, fyi, it can create harm even if you never directly express it to them, this spirit manifests the art of zero-sum games, direct or covert acts of selfishness, all rooted in an expression with very low self-esteem and a distorted image of themselves - true nourishment and loving attentiveness & kindness towards the self, and then others, as well as facing fears and working through challenges will promote a sense of self-esteem and capability that will help drive this spirit out of your system)
PRAYER: I call in and choose to embody the Spirit of Patience to evict & dismantle the Spirit & House of Wrath/Rage.
ACTIVATION: Consistent willful action in resonance with the Spirit of Patience
IDEAS TO APPLY: Develop a deeper relationship with your breath & heart/physical body overall. Find/cultivate humor & playfulness. Focus on what is within your power to command (CHOOSE), and let go of what isn’t. Pause and reflect/observe when activated in anger, command and learn to respond instead of react. Focus on a positive aspect in a given situation or the opportunity being offered. Commit to feeling & healing what has damaged or shut down the heart and may be promoting separation from self & other. Study the art of forgiveness & practice. Create a safe container for yourself to purge out pent up anger in a healthy way, with the intention to release it out of love for your body and others. Anger is NOT a negative emotion…there is no such thing as a negative emotion. Emotions are active/alive ENERGIES IN MOTION, meant to help us to innerstand, acknowledge, learn, process and complete experiences within our lives. Emotions show up to teach us something, to help us through something…when one relates to anger as something negative that one should suppress or deny themselves from feeling, or shame themselves from feeling, this can quickly turn into a burning pent up rage. A rage bomb can explode at the drop of a hat, destroying anything and everything in its wake (especially those who are truly innocent and likely very hurt and confused by the rage bomb going off in their presence or directed at them). It took a very long time to integrate the damage caused by the rage spirit that possessed my father...please, feel your anger and process it healthily…allow your emotions to communicate and flow through you, accessing ways of healthy and safe processing so as to not continue to abuse yourself and/or another.
ORGAN NETWORK TO EXPLORE & HARMONIZE: LIVER/GALBLADDER (most often found demonic activity, cording, implants, technologies & displaced entities and/or spirits of those from family of origin who have passed that have latched on to the living “heirs” of the ancestral misalignments. The liver is the master “parent” who is constantly taking the brunt of toxins of all kinds, toxic thoughts, toxic stress, toxic foods, water, air, earth, people, situations, chemicals, etc. etc., the gallbladder acts as the “right hand” generating the substances & supportive frequencies required to break down toxins and digest/release them in all forms. Heat, dampness, and/or stagnation in this space will manifest parasitic infection and promote erratic and wild bursts of anger/rage that can open the door to full-on possession in those that are overburdened in multiple systems. Support and detoxification of these two organs ARE PARAMOUNT in clearing wrathful spirits, parasites, and distorted templates within, clearing resentments & accessing a more balanced and harmonious state of being. The HEART is the child of the LIVER, when he’s distorted & held captive, it will shut down our heart intelligence and harm its child (the heart) immensely. When this happens, one will be heavily distorted in their capacity to make aligned decisions and to see situations clearly.
For a beautifully aligned supplement to support detox of the liver, check out Aegis Formulas’s NanoGlut+B and determine degree of resonance. Use code theshamanikshop5 to receive a discount on your order.
PRAYER: I call in and choose to embody the Spirit of Purity to evict & dismantle the Spirit & House of Lust/Addiction
ACTIVATION: Consistent willful action in resonance with the Spirit of Purity
IDEAS TO APPLY: Refrain from judgment (internal & external) and cultivate objective witnessing & discernment. Assessing patterns. Commit to clearing negative ego & pain body distortions. Apply unrelenting empathy & compassion towards self & other while correcting misaligned thought and action. Turn focus away from superficiality & external world, and go deeper within to restore harmonic balance within your own being. Adhere to a code of sexual ethics and absolute honor & respect for the sexual health and boundaries of self & other. For assistance in 2D Sexual Misery Distortions, see here.
ORGAN NETWORK TO EXPLORE & HARMONIZE: SEX ORGANS, KIDNEYS, AMYGDALA & PREFRONTAL CORTEX (must work to clear mind control technologies and negative thoughtform infiltration via the relationship with the amygdala & prefrontal cortex, most often the pineal will have a cage or be calcified or blocked, sex organs can be filled with miasma, cording, implants, and a laundry list of sexual misery programs & entity attachments. Kidney imbalance promotes fear and anxiety which often can activate all of the above to elicit distorted coping mechanisms as a result of pain and discomfort from the misalignments within…severe lack of safety, intimacy, vulnerability or capacity to command one’s sacred creation space & lead to very poor impulsive decision making- heavily impacted by rape trauma and SRA that promote reversals and addiction software. This one may require potent support and space-holding offered from aligned and experienced beings. In my innervision, this is one of the darkest spirits/collections of consciousness I have seen. And it’s been a hell of a ride clearing my own space of rape trauma & sexual abuse. SHAME will feed it and make it louder. Deep self-rejection & self-harm will make it louder….and those unconsciously infected will pass elements of it on until someone breaks the cycle. Energetic infections absolutely sexually transmit unless one is adept and diligent in selection & clearing practices.
PRAYER: I call in and choose to embody the Spirits of Discipline & Conservation to evict & dismantle the Spirit & House of Gluttony
ACTIVATION: Consistent willful action in resonance with the Spirits of Discipline & Conservation
IDEAS TO APPLY: Conscious consumerism. Courage to face & cultivate a realistic lens of the damage one inflicts upon the world and others based upon the choices one makes, the policies & structures one supports, and how much one consumes to the detriment of others/the planet. Commitment to teaching oneself to become more self-sufficient & form open sourced/symbiotic relationship with commerce/resources/life, etc. Dismantle participation with inverted & closed-loop structures & consumptive modeling. Discern between “want” and “requirement”. Live within your means & consume mindfully, and support the requirements of others beyond yourself. You may require deeper exposure to the levels of cruelty & harm that happens currently to keep our “world” running in its current configuration. Use it as inspiration to dedicate yourself to change. It is challenging info, modulate. Direct greater attention, focus & care to your own resources as well as planetary resources. Begin to value your own & other’s time & life force.
ORGAN NETWORK TO EXPLORE & HARMONIZE: BLOOD, BONES & LYMPH (most often found stagnation & instability within these realms that have “opened the door”, so to speak, for the spirit of gluttony to take root. Lymph system has everything to do with BOUNDARIES, LIMITS & DISCERNMENT OF WHAT IS SERVING & WHAT IS NOT, must be actively chosen and participated with to stay in working order. Dirty blood builds distorted bones and vice versa, “dirty" blood also dumps into the lymph, this drives the body to overconsume as a result of “starvation”. Lacking nutrients, requirements, acts of service towards self, love, etc. Constantly circulating low-quality life force, must reach & source “outside” to survive. Movement practice is paramount, as is time outdoors in nature, optimizing food foundation, clearing of stealth pathogens, parasites & heavy metals, consistent work towards lessening/completing/balancing karmic density & implementing healthy BOUNDARIES. Remember…gluttony is not just about incessant and undisciplined consumption food, or drugs - it can be media, sex, porn, attention, gambling, money, etc. etc. Any BEHAVIOR or substance that one is constantly yearning for or that mindlessly self-indulges in, to fill a hole with no bottom — one that harms themselves and others, without cessation.
PRAYER: I call in and choose to embody the Spirit of Diligence to evict & dismantle the Spirit & House of Laziness/Sloth.
ACTIVATION: Consistent willful action in resonance with the Spirit of Diligence
IDEAS TO APPLY: Diligently & consistently commit to apply oneself to responsible conscious creation & collaboration with life. Acknowledge what in your life is creating illness and perpetuating misalignment and commit to making more aligned choices. Develop a strong moral character. Select a project to work on or offering and stick with it. Discipline your mind to stay on task or focus on a particular aspect of life you know is necessary to develop or remediate. Set limits on social media or other distracting elements that you notice are a poor investment of time and energy. Begin to take consistent care of all aspects of your health; mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, ancestral, multidimensional (soul/monad), etc. SHOW UP! MOVE YOUR BODY, LIFT SOME KIND OF WEIGHT OR MOVE THROUGH RESISTANCE INSTEAD OF RUNNING FROM IT OR AVOIDING IT.
ORGAN NETWORK TO EXPLORE & HARMONIZE: MAJOR HORMONE PLAYERS Adrenals, Thymus, Thyroid, Ovaries/Testies, Pancreas, Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Breasts & Brain (distortions within any element of our hormonal network will create schisms and imbalanced energetic synthesis in multiple layers of reality. These chemical messengers become distorted when communication has broken down/is not expressing itself clearly. They also impact the gut and brain in ways that will facilitate major distortions in alpha, beta, delta, theta, gamma brain waves which will create massive discrepancy and irregularity with mood, energy states, etc. This is one of the major causes of depression, anxiety, learning disabilities and hyperactivity, distorted brain waves that are severely imbalanced from their optimum/ideal ranges from a myriad of harmful technologies, heavy metals, and behaviors. Must consistently engage in regular focused practices, precision practices, meditation either active or passive, and commit to removing harmful elements from one’s life. You will likely meet great resistance in your thoughtforms when moving through this…stay the course and stand up to it, stepping into more of your power.)
You will likely experience some form of resistance or purging of shadow elements/integration of fragmentation before it will feel accessible to apply one or many of the techniques of anchoring in the spirits of Christ. Allow it to unfold in the timing it does. Select one element that is realistic and you can consistently apply within a reasonable threshold of discomfort, not to the point of generating pain or harm towards yourself. Cast your vote and hold true to it as you face off against the opposite polarity within you. It will become “easier” over time/after consistency. Always fall back into breath and choice. Prayers are not enough…must follow through with some form of activation/activity to anchor them into your being.
There is nothing to fear…when we hear things like “entities” and “attachments” there are often very loud fear responses and confusion/rejection. All misalignments that exist within our layers of being are merely manifestations of distortional patterns, and they present themselves in distinct ways to bring insight into the mechanisms behind it, as well as valuable insight on how to clear/integrate and reconfigure the instruction set or pattern. This is very “common” and is in no way expressed to feed a perception of disempowerment. All distortions that exist in a human are created via the mind first…thoughts are things, and they grow into various created forms with consistent feeding & “generating” of them. You attract more of what you are vibrating/expressing…that also works the other way around!
Take what feels in alignment for you at this time, and discard the rest.
So much love to you.