Solar Soul Tribe

This is the section of our website dedicated to sharing our personal journeys & experiences in a non-linear fashion. The intention is to inspire others and provide serving insight and perspectives, ultimately supporting the optimization of life.

Solar Soul Tribe is a dream of mine (Christina) that I am now birthing into reality, as I have consistently chosen to actively participate in the integration, reconfiguration and rebirthing of myself, over and over, for many years. I now feel confident in my ability to way-show the tools and wisdom I’ve gathered along the way, as I embark on the journey of bringing another beautiful soul into this world. I dream of optimizing this experience for myself and for others through the various ideas & insights that will be shared here. This collection of writings are intended to help clear and harmonize deep multidimensional misalignments and ancestral miasma, to facilitate the anchoring in of solar souls. Souls that carry less karmic density and have greater access into remembering who they truly are and why they have chosen to come here. Our intention is to facilitate the normalization of multidimensional freedom, stewarding ourselves and these beautiful souls in a way that optimizes human development, so the generations to come can anchor in their highest expression without limitation. This is to support “future” life, calling in those who are in greater alignment with truth and will embody the fullest version of self, authentically and organically, as expressions of the living light.

Please note, there will be no official medical advice shared in this project. This is a long-term love letter to self & to humanity, sharing various ideas to be explored and practically applied if one feels aligned with doing so. The choice to participate will always be with you. Please only engage in what truly feels resonant, and refrain from engaging in anything else. I, Christina, will not infringe on anyone else’s free will or consciously promote any kind of dogmatic ideology or separation technology. I practice radical self-inquiry and awareness techniques to ensure I am keeping myself in check to access greater discernment regarding the most aligned and respectful way to share, respond, and show up. I am not “perfect”, I’m still integrating all kinds of things in many layers of being. If I make a mistake, I will own it. As I continue to evolve, so will my lenses and the information I access and anchor in. In reading this, it does sound “super spiritual”, and it is (everything is). However, we will be highlighting very earthly and relatable insight that can be serving to anyone who feels called to it, not just those who subscribe to the spirituality industry & mindset. In fact, many of those carrying New Age ideologies may not really appreciate what we will be bringing in here. You will be invited into facing many aspects of yourself and this world that many reject, avoid, ignore, discount, shame, blame, attack, or submit to.

To anchor in solar souls means we must go to the depths of our own shadow and cultivate the courage to look at what we find. We must practice consistent exploration, purification & compassionate witnessing to integrate & complete our own multidimensional misalignments, to be a sturdy and sound vessel for life culture to come through us. We will explore the places we fear most, and we will access what is required to bring what has been misaligned back into balance and wholeness. This can be peaceful, exciting & joyful - and it can be excruciating, humbling, and straight-up terrifying. Some of us carry some very insidious consciousness infections born of extremely misaligned imprints that have been compounding for generations, all amplified by collective shadow expressions and macrocosmic warfare. All of us carry shadows…as every single one of us has experienced multidimensional trauma that has not yet been completed or resolved. These memories are deeply embedded within the DNA of our energetic architecture that is inevitably passed on generation after generation until someone in the line decides to alter the cycles and do the work. Michael and I both play that role in our respective family lines, and we now unify our efforts to amplify and anchor in what is possible for our children, and their children and their children, and so on.

We choose to consistently devote ourselves to participate in the expansion, harmonization, and unification of ourselves, our life, our family, and beyond. This choice did not come easy….both of us have experienced firsthand a very tumultuous (sometimes horrific) and trauma-filled life, which has catalyzed incredible growth and presented immense challenge in various ways. The relevant pieces will be shared in future posts, with the intention of being of service. I (Christina) have been diligently working for years to process a very diversified portfolio of rape trauma, sexual misery, psychological and emotional fracturing, and relational suffering, very much linked to family of origin imprinting and a collection of very chaotic elements embedded within my soul architectural layers & memories. My pain body was monstrous…and I co-created a very hellish realm for myself for much of my life. Disordered eating, self-mutilation, addiction technologies, extremely low self esteem (DISEMPOWERMENT) further led to many misaligned choices which began to impact every aspect of my life and brought me to the brink of oblivion. I began to wake up and crawl my way out of my own hell hole around 2015 with a very long dark night of the soul & nomad era, spanning years. Before our first child was born, I had already experienced four miscarriages in previous relationships - one of which was at 18 weeks and was very emotionally, physically, and psychologically devastating. Our first beautiful and very healthy child I free-birthed at home in 2020, in the midst of the COVID fear phenomenon, which further activated and amplified our ascension process. At the time, we were both still experiencing very misaligned states of being which set in motion many more experiences to illuminate deeper patterns to be witnessed and addressed.

Solar Soul Tribe is our prayer project to ourselves, the world, and beyond. This space is where we will be sharing various insights, practices, supportive techniques, allies, and guidance in real-time during the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood eras of a woman’s life (as it organically occurs). As this is specifically directed towards women, this will also very much include and impact the partners, children, families, and communities of those who are actively participating in the process of procreation or integration work of themselves for themselves and their families. This work will not be hijacked or infiltrated by misaligned technologies to promote service-to-self oriented programming. If you do not agree or support this mission, lovingly & gracefully unsubscribe from our platform. Any harm directed at either of us or our families will be subjected immediately to the law of cause and effect, and you will process the karmic implications of doing so. This is a sacred art. We command respect and stand by our inherent right to freely express what is alive within us to be of service to humanity & God/Source. May the frequency of peace fill your mind, heart, soul, body & spirit.

Thank you for being here.



ATTENTION Parasites: You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.