ATTENTION Parasites: You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.

It is June 20, 2024, Solstice energies are amplified. I am initiating a deeper level of purification beyond my consistent energetic & emotional integration practices. It has been five years since my last parasite cleanse. I engaged in a fast and nasty-type purification process post a DMT ceremony, just before I became pregnant with my daughter. I was no longer aligned with facilitating physiological clearing to that degree, and began to focus predominantly on optimizing my food foundation to support all aspects of my body through pregnancy. This sounds nice, yeah? Truth: I was still absolutely navigating remnants of disordered eating patterns and also working diligently to repair all of the compounded damage upon my systems from decades of complex compounded trauma, perpetual restriction, over-exercise/exertion, and very loud mental and emotional distortions around the act of nourishing myself. Most of this was embedded within the realm of the instinctual mind, just below the surface of my conscious mind. Despite commanding consciously my intention of constant harmonizing and integrating these patterns, I still had a clusterfuck of misaligned elements buried deeper that created a formidable challenge when it came to any form of ingestion of sustenance and regulation of my nervous system upon eating (receiving). I also was experiencing quite a bit of pressure to clear this out quickly, as my daughter is now growing and living in my womb, subject to all of the frequencies and patterns that reside in that realm.

I’ve noticed throughout my journey, in the peak of the “dark days” between age 12 and 22, whenever I would intensely restrict, my mental and emotional distortions would amplify tenfold. My hormones, microbiome, and psychological realms, all interwoven and entwined, would alert a massive signal to all of the energetic distortions within layers of my light body that it was time to “play”. Holy fuck was this a trip. Before I began the practice of radical self-inquiry, building the compassionate witness, and paying attention to my thoughts and feelings: identifying, dis-identifying, charting, studying, etc., I was completely vulnerable and tricked into believing whole-heartedly the massive amount of garbage was flowing through my mind. These were the darkest narratives around myself, others, perceived threats, massive inner propaganda promoting intense levels of self-hatred, reliving the same traumatic memories over and over, hearing the most horrible things during the process. I also recognize at this time that I was beginning to experience mind slides and holographic inserts, implantation of memories that never actually happened, to which my body would respond as if it was not only real, but I was actively experiencing it, to which I would respond as though it were real, and now I am engaged in an alternate timeline completely separate from reality.

I was navigating this on my own, for I felt sheer terror of ever admitting this to someone else. The kind of insanity I experienced was very much internal, and I was very good at covering things up externally - except for a few occasions where I was either actively traumatized or something very shocking or dramatic would happen to which I would react in a very loud and intense way, then feel extreme guilt or shame, and put it right back in the box….festering.

I always had issues sleeping. This was not new, for throughout my entire childhood I had tremendous fear around sleeping alone and dreaded night. It was a major annoyance to my parents, who I’m sure were exhausted and required restoration. But I was left alone very often at night, after having a night terror or being pulled from my body and traveling to the astral (which is one of my least favorite sensations and experiences in the world), crying and screaming for my parents who often would never come. I was too afraid to move and sometimes would just cry myself out and eventually fall back asleep. This subsided a bit until after I was raped at 11. I began to experience super intense “night visits/visions” of being energetically and psychically raped by entities. I really thought I might be coming undone, as I was always questioning my sanity and assessing where I was at, what was real, what wasn’t, and justifying my imbalanced state, chocking it up to trauma and nutrient deficiencies. I eventually told my dad when I was 13 that this was happening to me.

One of my favorite things about my dad, is there was little I could say that would shock him. When I actually opened up and let him in, in ways, he would often have something very wise to say, or he would at least listen to the best of his ability and respond in a way where I didn’t feel crazy or rejected. This, of course, would be the complete opposite experience when he was activated in his own shadow and darkness. When this was the case, I would never be heard - and I was often attacked verbally or emotionally by him. I still have a really hard time when someone calls me a bitch, the ringing of the tone in my dad’s voice when he would hurl that word at me still vibrates within my being somewhere. Little spoiled bitch. Yuck. Anyways, 13 - told my dad I thought I was being astrally penetrated by energetic forces that were not benevolent. He looked at me like I just mentioned the weather and said “yeah, it’s a thing. It’s called an incubus. Here’s a book you can read about it.” And that was the end of it. Haha - okay, dad! No big deal - just a dark spirit etherically raping me in my sleep. Just another Tuesday night.

But this was one of the things I loved the most about my dad. He was always surprising you in some way - either in the most exalted form of light, or a really intense expression of darkness. And when he was stable and himself, he was the best person to talk to about anything. After he died, this was the thing I missed more than anything. Being able to call him on the phone and talk to him about something that came up that I really wanted to share with him. My dad essentially died from a multidimensional parasitic infiltration that began energetically within the mental & emotional realm, which then manifested as a physical infection which caused him to begin to lose physical body parts, develop more intense infections to which antibiotics only weakened his bodies more, to the point where he succumbed to dementia/memory loss, began to lose coherence and discernment, lost touch with a linear form of reality, and starved to death. He was 62.

His death activated me in ways I wouldn’t have ever imagined. Without the constant bombardment of fear, worry, guilt, and anger. I began to receive valuable insight into more of my inner realm and the similarities and differences from what I had just witnessed take place within my dad. I was making similar connections in my late teens, right before my true “awakening” process began in my early 20s. This was before any of this was really talked about, as I am of the generation that Facebook and other social media platforms were just beginning to be exposed and catching on as a thing in my late teens/early 20s. I realized that what and how I eat, what and how often I drink, and almost everything in my environment has an impact on my inner world - as well as everything in my inner world/self/reality dictates what I eat, how I eat, how often I drink, and what is going on in my external environment that I am now creating for myself as a “young adult”. This was the era of my life in which I began to experientially grasp the concept of “As Above, So Below - As Within, so Without”. I began to take a good hard look at all of the things I was co-creating for myself. Some of it was amazing - as I was very young, already building a profession which quickly turned into my own business at 22. I was building many skills and techniques, connecting with more people and becoming even more independent than I already had been. I had been living on my own since 19, fully able to cover all of my bills and then some. I wasn’t into hard drugs and I’ve never really drank alcohol (it made me so sick almost instantaneously, that I never really developed much of a relationship with it).

However, what was going on in my personal world, as well as my relational world, was an absolute nightmare. I was connecting to and playing with very misaligned relationship dynamics, in all aspects of my life. Things I’m not going to share in this post, and I’m sure will come out later. I had a habit of selecting similar kinds of expressions to co-create with, and it would always turn parasitic and abusive. I was embodying the elements of my dad that did not value resources, as he didn’t really value himself. So I would work very hard, generate a lot of money, and I would spend it all on other people or situations that would never return to me, at least, not in a form of currency or exchange. I realize now I was paying for life lessons and multidimensional warfare training, but this did get extremely disheartening after a while.

Like most of us, I did get stuck for a few years in victimhood. I was quite removed from seeing how I was participating in the creation of these dynamics. I was lost in the trap that exists when one is consistently living in violation of the law of structure. The narratives and beliefs I had about myself were plugging in as puzzle pieces or specific ingredients to the co-creative timeline I was experiencing, which would only perpetuate those narratives and beliefs, as everything in my reality was reflecting them back at me. This is hell. Knowing something isn’t right, but almost completely believing what the darkness tells you, creating more of it, and creating more and more suffering inwardly and outwardly as a result, not knowing why, and then believing it’s because you deserve it or that’s just how life is. Negative feedback loop, on repeat. This is how Wetiko works…brilliant technology.

When we have distortions within the realm of the instinctual mind, it acts as a reversal signal or current which skews various elements of our consciousness towards anti-life instead of life. Consciously, of course, I do not want to participate with anti-life technologies. I have known that in my heart since I have gotten here. My heart has always been activated towards love, compassion, empathy, and unity. However, because of the type of wounding and imprinting I was tasked with navigating, my heart shut down and higher thinking and receiving was dimmed, and I experienced very loud and strong elements within my instinctual mind that would push me towards chaos, suffering, and harm and trick me into running away from that which is safe, loving, and more aligned. I have cleared and integrated SO much of this, especially in the last 5 years. However, I will not lie - I still very much have echoes of this technology that I must remain diligently aware of to neutralize, harmonize and command. All layers and elements of self are interconnected, they really cannot be separated. So as I “ascend higher” discovering and harmonizing distortions in my upper realms (distortions still exist beyond the heart, in fact - they go higher up than most would want to know), I still get brought back down to the basement from time to time, to pick up where I left off, or be redirected back to a relevant piece that is required to be seen in order to complete a larger pattern connected to more layers of self.

This is why I am heeding the call of my inner guidance to embark upon a physical parasite cleanse, in tandem with my current techniques and medicines I utilize to keep myself as modulated and clear as I can. I recognize that I am not entirely infiltrated or, at least, the infiltrations aren’t the loudest they could be.

Side note: I highly recommend checking out Dr. Jess here. I was a wellness plus member for over a year and learned SO much that has both helped me and my family, as well as others I have supported through their illnesses.

I honor and acknowledge that my liver & heart require some help, I still have vulnerabilities within my thyroid, neck/throat, spleen & colon - and I still have to clear negative thoughtforms coming from distortions within my masculine architecture that are still being remediated, and my skin requires a deeper purging of accumulated toxins and debris. My vision has been extremely poor since childhood, and my immune systems require a major boost when up against really aberrant and chaotic frequencies. For roughly the last four years, I have been practicing innervision daily (sometimes multiple times a day), to the point that I can see, feel and notice things within my body and within my field within moments of dropping into my breath and commencing my practice. I am so excited and grateful to experience the continued transformation and the support of beautiful allies that are now becoming more available and commonly known.

As someone who has years of experience battling the shadows that perpetrate body dysmorphia and disordered nourishment patterns, I know many of the tricks that the shadow forms will play and how this can impact and distort one’s intention for healing. I have deep love for my shadow now, because those elements brought me everything I required to make a choice and become more of who and what I truly am. The darkness within me brought me the exact medicine experiences to which I would be able to conquer and eventually way-show the way out for others with similar imprinting and patterns. Darkness and pain have been my greatest teachers.

When embarking upon any kind of cleanse or purification process it is IMPERATIVE that the intention formed and held throughout the process remains strong and clear, and that it is not from a place of fear. How we calibrate any container is of utmost importance when practicing leadership and alignment to natural law. I now engage in this process out of deep love and reverence for my body and all layers of my self that I choose to nourish, honor, and support, to promote the optimization of all aspects and levels of functionality & expression. If you do not feel this inside of yourself yet, and you are facing off against your own darkness, which is loud and confusing - set the intention that peace and courage is what you will create within you as you purge these elements and forces that are perpetuating harm and disease within you. Step into and remember your inherent power to CREATE and PARTICIPATE with life by lovingly releasing all that is perpetuating anti-life. Begin to engage in the act of listening and drawing your attention towards what you align with embodying and cease identifying with what you don’t.

The darkness that existed within my father wasn’t truly him - they were adaptations and altered versions born of trauma and may other elements that existed within his being from other lives and other experiences. Because it wasn’t cleared or integrated, it attracted more of what he was carrying to him - which increased the load to the point that he could no longer carry it and continue in his form. The darkness that exists within me isn’t the true me, it is a bully/ally designed for me, by me, with the aid of other elements to show me and teach me where I am vulnerable and where I must place my attention to repair, remediate & integrate. All people here on earth have, and participate with, parasites. It’s the nature of this dimensional reality where we get to CHOOSE how we show up, respond & participate with what is. We have access to more information now, more disclosure has happened and will continue to happen. Ignorance is no longer a viable excuse - it is a choice to remain in bondage. The road to freedom from enslavement is anything but easy, so I do not intend to come off as superficial or glib. And it is my intention to inspire you to stand for yourself and your own sovereignty, and discover what is possible when we align all parts of ourselves with organic consciousness coding & architecture, the way it was originally intended for humans.

The parasite protocol I am communing with is from Rogershood Apothecary. I perceive this community to be aligned with health and freedom, providing beautiful medicines & wonderful supportive allies and information to guide the process of healing from parasitic infection. As I am not a certified medical professional, the information I share will be strictly centered around the changes I experience within my own being, how I feel the energy move & shift, noticing my moods and patterns and thought forms, and how I feel overall in a multidimensional way. The choice to engage is always yours. I will be following up periodically throughout the first round with updates and insights!

For day one initiation, I have already aligned with a supportive food foundation for cleansing and supporting my system for the last couple of weeks. I have plenty of spring water, lemons, and a beautiful charcoal clay blend Michael has made for when I start to purge. We plan to add it to our shop page before too long. I have clearance from my inner guidance and a whole lot of gratitude. As movement art is my main medicine, I decided to drop in before my first dosing to Semisonic’s “Closing Time”, attuning my entire being to the process of celebration and liberation from dead energy and debris, as this is the song I dance with and sing to my beloved parasites. Thank you for the lessons, thank you for the wisdom gained, thank you for the memories…time for you to lovingly and respectfully get the fuck out! I know who I want to take me home…

So much love to you.

Peace be with your mind, heart, body, soul & spirit always, in all ways.


Comprehending Fear


Solar Soul Tribe