Comprehending Fear

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
- Master Yoda

Fear is a program triggered within the mental body that facilitates a state of being that is harmful and destructive. This is often brought on by a perception that one is under threat of harm or is facing destruction of some kind, and one begins to embody that which they fear.

The interesting phenomenon that happens with fear programs is that, when one experiences a state of fear and begins to emit the frequency of fear outwards, without cessation or neutralization, harm will be inflicted internally to that being as well as outwardly to others.
It can begin to spread like a disease, amplifying hidden or surfacing wounds within an individual that will continue to pass around until something comes through to break the chain.

Fear can often mimic fire; it can begin to burn uncontrollably and be stoked consciously, or unconsciously, by self and/or others. It also can take a great deal of work to put out once started. In the aftermath, there is always a process of clean up or damage control as a result.

Fear can be predicated on limitless factors or stimuli. The experiences that switch on and begin to feed into this are as diverse as we are. Fear programs are installed within the mental body due to trauma and a loss of connection to self (Source/God/Love). They can be placed strategically to illicit a certain response in which creates a closed-loop circuit; causing the program to repeatedly become activated, emitting the frequency, causing damage, deepening the process of separation, and infecting others whom also carry vulnerabilities to the frequency of fear.

While fear certainly can be viewed through a negative lens for infinite reasons, there is also a deep blessing and medicine that comes from it. When working with and analyzing fear, we begin to realize that the observation of it will provide the keys to liberating oneself from it, and ending the cycle of setting fire to ourselves and others.

The nature of the fear, where it may be originating from, and what it is connected to will help one to understand the lessons we have yet to master within the self. Each one of us has a shadow self (or selves) and these blind spots can create disruption of natural flow/natural expression and often lead to a "blockage". Comprehending the source and location of fear can highlight a pathway or trajectory one may take to reconcile their relationship with self (Source/God/Love).

Taking steps to reclaim innerstanding over our mental processes and behaviors can be quite challenging, especially during the beginning stages of strengthening the power of will.

During this process one must sit with and face one's experience of fear instead of A. allowing the program to run rampant, begin to act impulsively/erratically, starting a fire and allowing it to run out of control or B. avoiding it, seeing it as an enemy, falling into fear of the fear, which will ultimately disempower a being and eventually start a fire that runs out of control. Both pathways lead to destruction and further separation.

Fear isn't an enemy to be slain; it is an awareness of where we have lost sight of our true selves or fallen into ignorance. The goal isn't to kill the fear; the goal is to acknowledge it, see it for what it is, and transform it with love/courage/acceptance. The intention is to disengage or dissolve the virus from the circuitry so we may begin to experience greater states of peace and centeredness that is not contingent on the nature of our environment or what we may be experiencing in the "outside" world. Our inner world becomes steadfast, unbreakable, impenetrable, and we can stay in higher states of love and truth regardless of what may be occurring around us. When fear programs are reconciled, one begins to experience an opening within, creating the possibility for those open spaces to be filled with truth, love and connection instead of hate and separation.

Many may perceive that experiencing fear promotes one's survival, since that has been hardwired into our system (by design). One must get very clear on the nature of fear and understanding what it is in order to let go of this perception. Fear robs us of coherence. When in a state of fear, higher states of intellect and consciousness become blocked.

We lose our ability to make aligned choices, and we often react out of protection (fight), avoidance (flight) or submission (freeze). Each of these reactions do not always ensure our survival in this form, and oftentimes these responses can facilitate the opposite. Perhaps these responses protect the physical body depending on the scenario, but what happens to our mind, heart, and other layers of being when one succumbs to fear? Short answer: pain. suffering. enslavement. illusion.

The survival mechanisms downloaded into our nervous system are collections of data and experiences from thousands of years of collective trauma compressed into our genetic expression. We have experienced every kind of torment and suffering imaginable on this planet, as almost every aspect of our collective consciousness has been enslaved as a result. This process has been observed and weaponized by those who are negatively polarized in an attempt to perpetuate fear-based mechanisms and keep beings from achieving higher states of truth and consciousness. When our minds become fixated merely on survival, constantly scanning for and perceiving a threat around every corner, we can easily become controlled, often by our own "thoughts" (infiltration/mind control). Experiencing high states of fear can become unbearable, and often a being will do just about anything to make it stop, giving away consent or acting quickly out of ignorance to quell the discomfort. Choices made from this state of being are rarely serving, and often the program will begin to "dig in deeper".

"The frequency of fear is what makes people feel threatened and unsafe in the world, as well as feel disconnected and separated from other people, which generates disunity in the world. Disunity breeds self-deception, false perceptions and many negative ego character flaws that generate relationally unsafe people. People with a lack of empathy or ethical conduct have a tendency to deeply criticize, blame or judge others. When fear rules us, darkness rules us. It also rules our relationships, which extinguishes the possibility for sharing deep human heart connections and forming empathic and loving bonds."

- Lisa Renee

When learning to analyze and neutralize fear, a commitment to observation is required. The act of engaging in radical self-inquiry and consistent practice in paying attention to one's thoughts, behaviors, and patterns within self and others will begin to become a natural process in daily life.

In doing so, we can begin to spot unsafe behaviors within ourselves and others. Once seen and acknowledged, we can then strengthen our awareness and practice implementing tools to neutralize or eradicate these responses or systems entirely from our operating systems.

When neutralizing fear, one must ultimately neutralize victim/victimizer programming (which is a byproduct of fear). VVP is a whole genre of separation technology, rooted in the 1st dimensional expression or root ray realm (unconscious mind). I often view humans as astonishing and highly advanced organic quantum computers. Imagine V/V as an entire software program installed on and in the hard drive of a human, within that program are hundreds, if not thousands, of separate files contained underneath that blanket program. V/V shows up as countless archetypal expressions and situations that play out in our collective reality. Bully/Bullied, Predator/Prey, Parasite/Host, Master/Slave, Narcissist/Empathic Victim, etc. etc.

When we see these behaviors or expressions within ourselves or others, honor the fact that it is not the being itself we should condemn or view as our adversary. These relationship lenses are born as a result of overidentification with VVP; as victim/victimizer shows up when a being has experienced consistent and/or extensive states of fear which have led to the distortion of the mind, disconnection from one's heart, and allowed for destructive behaviors (and programs) to have taken hold within one's mental realm. The lenses of reality become warped. When VVP is running, a being may begin to justify hate, cruelty, abuse, killing, torture, deception, war, inferiority/superiority programming, etc. etc. It is the ultimate technology that promotes separation consciousness and destroys the possibility for unity consciousness.

It is most serving to not carry hate or wish harm, both for self and other, but recognize that we may need to be very conscious of how much we involve ourselves with beings who are heavily distorted and controlled. We also must have courage when facing the darkness that exists within, opting for a lens of objectivity and compassion for the choices we have made, either consciously or unconsciously, while taking responsibility and taking steps to reconcile these aspects of ourselves.

Fear looks and feels unsafe. Here are several examples of when a being has become overrun with fear-based consciousness and the behaviors that arise as a result.

You may see these within yourself, as well as others.

Fear is alive and running in beings who embody superiority/inferiority, narcissism, and entitlement. Those who are demanding, dishonest, judgmental, assuming, emotionally volatile or unstable, deceptive, back-stabbing, withholding, gossiping, destructive, physically or emotionally abusive, sexually abusive, controlling, manipulative, abrasive, punitive, tyrannical, megalomaniacal, violent, etc. Fear is also alive in those who identify solely as a victim, that curse or reject any and all people, organizations & collectives that may challenge their narratives and highlight the ways in which they may be participating in their own co-creation of suffering. Victimizer & Victim programming instills a set of thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors within a person in which both refuse to take ownership or accountability for their participation in the dynamic. They essentially are opposite sides of the same coin, expressing it in distinct ways.

Ideally, when one awakens to this phenomena, an era of consistent devotion ensues to harmonize or unify these opposing principles (or neutralize) in which one no longer identifies as the victim or the victimizer. Both characters within us, which are then recreated outside of us, begin to see that we are providing very valuable insight and perspective into what is going on within layers of our mental, emotional, and energetic realms. It is a mirrored lesson, brought to you, for you, by you, and through you, to start to see what you have not been seeing - about yourself, about others, and about the world, and then begin to use your inherent power as a creator being to make the necessary changes to grow beyond that dynamic and move on to another layer of distortion to harmonize.

Generally when someone is operating from a high state of fear, we do not feel safe or comfortable around them. Many times we avoid expressing truth out of protection, as we perceive this being may chastise, punish, or attack us as a result.

When around others who embody these qualities, setting strong boundaries are non-negotiable, and we may find ourselves severing close connections entirely from beings who continue to express these behaviors despite consistent assistance or support being directed at them. A being must decide to commit to their own process of discovery and healing of their own accord, and consistently engage in ownership & integration techniques and practices, reconciling the aspects of self that have been damaged, lost, or controlled by negative thoughtforms.

Continuing to feed relationships in which the person (or people) are not conscious of this phenomenon or willing to work towards the cessation and clearing of it, will only cause destruction, depletion, and harm. These relationship exchanges are poor investments of energy and attention. If our goal is to create peace within us and in our experience, we must use discernment and not allow this to run rampant, encoding and further identifying with the programming of chaos, drama, destruction, and separation.

Accepting this will transmute and harmonize many polarized archetypal expressions, especially those of martyrdom and codependency, which are prevalent within our collective, showing up in many facets of relationship.

Practice radiation of love in your heart for others deeply embedded in this technology, for we know that what they exemplify is not who they truly are, but a result of what they have been infected with via wounding.

Looking within and coming to terms with the reality that we may be engaging in destructive behaviors ourselves can be very uncomfortable, and require a great deal of strength to face. All beings deserve forgiveness and gentleness as reality hits, while holding oneself accountable for the harm one may have caused. This can be used as fuel to continue to stoke the power of will and commit to the process of eradicating the negative thoughtforms or destructive belief patterns from within our own circuitry. We must recognize that we can achieve higher states of awareness, and we may need to engage and work with this consistently for an indeterminant amount of time. Eventually, through consistency, things WILL shift.

Discernment is key, as well as choosing to embody that which we wish to experience outwardly. If you are surrounded by beings who are unsafe, perhaps question if you yourself are also engaging in similar patterns and behaviors that mirror or reflect those qualities as well.

If not, question why you are choosing to remain in that energetic environment.

Many deep-seeded ego filters that I faced in my own reprogramming process were centered around a distortion of trust. Sometimes I would trust individuals who ended up not being trustworthy, and I rejected those that were. My ability to discern became inverted. (hello, naïve child archetype…)

I was infiltrated in a way that I consented to exchanging energy with beings who carried and continued to spread darkness and I recognized that, by participating, I was as well. I was programmed to reject and project my own fears onto beings whom were attempting to show up for me in loving and supportive ways. I essentially felt more comfortable in certain fear frequencies. Loving frequencies felt foreign and uncomfortable.

Going deeper, this was seeded in a distortion around love, respect, trust, and awareness of/for myself.

A crisis of identity; clinging to filters of ego that I swore were "who I was". I am the one who is always "nice", accommodating. I say yes when I mean no. I am the one who attempts to love others who perceive they are unlovable at the expense of my own wellbeing. I have to be this person or I will be rejected and/or useless. LIES! I am not any of those things. But it can be very easy to identify with behaviors and beliefs formed out of trauma and separation. Misalignments....

I learned that I didn't actually comprehend what real trust was, or "real" love for that matter, and that I myself embodied states that were not trustworthy as a result of these hidden and generally unconscious beliefs that were continuing to run under the surface in deeper layers that I had not yet worked through or discovered fully. I had no idea who I really was....

The early process of reconciliation was intense and, looking back, it was extremely empowering. Once I grew tired of the same situations of pain and suffering circling around, I experienced a prolonged state of courage to cut ties with beings whom were clearly benefitting from my misalignments and using it for selfish reasons, those who inflicted pain on others from their own unconscious infiltration. Beings who were treating me and others in ways that I did not resonate with or agree with, but whom I felt sorry for and thought that my "love" would get them to "change their ways" or see things differently. It wasn't until after I removed myself from their lives, a few began to learn and recognize themselves and their behaviors in a deeper way. Some are exactly the same and just continue similar dynamics with others. I wish them well, and have tremendous gratitude that I am no longer locked into that agreement.

I then proceeded to get very clear on my own fears, thoughts, behaviors and patterns of expression.

I sought and still strive to consistently be and become a safe being. Setting a higher standard, treating myself and others with respect and compassion. Loving others as I love myself; loving myself as I love others. Breaking down the illusion of separation and generating fields of love within and around me, for me, and for other/for all.

As soon as a fear program is activated, pause is required in some way to process, knowing that is within my power and right to command my impulsivity and make sure that I am responding out of love, and not reacting out of fear.

It's not "perfect" yet, and I still make mistakes and can experience overwhelm or react in a way that I do not fully intend. I immediately own it and set out to make it right, using the experience as fuel for the next time I must face off against my own darkness/ignorance, knowing it's a temporary stimuli and I can overcome it.

Many have been harmed tremendously by beings overrun by fear programming, and we must embark on the journey of building safety within ourselves and begin to develop a deep inner strength, reprogramming codes of kindness, respect, authenticity, and trust within our own circuitry. Commit to walking the path of embodiment of harmlessness and love, and watch what happens. Some may perceive that escaping from the grips of dark energy may not be possible, as their lens becomes monochromatic and fixated upon the idea that this is the way things are, no longer open to the blessings of relativity and realization that kindness, benevolence and love exists, it is real, and it is everywhere. Love is the glue that holds the multiverse together and perpetuates life.

If you are ready to engage and free yourself from fear, here are a few ideas to facilitate the process.

Remember that this is not the only way one can do this. As you connect deeper into yourself and begin to reconcile with and collapse or eradicate filters of ego, you may feel called to intuitively create your own protocol for fear-based program removal.

Ideally, this work is done when not experiencing a “trigger” (opportunity) or when actively in a state of running a fear-based program. However, as one continues to practice, this can be done when experiencing states of fear. Essentially it's like choosing to start exercising with very minimal weight or resistance, or choosing to engage when the pressure is on, and the level of challenge has been turned up. Neither is right or wrong, and each individual must access and honor what works best for them.

Step 1: Clarify

What is the nature of the fear that is alive within you? What are you most afraid of?

This programming is so vast and connected to so many can be difficult to simplify.

The goal is to get very clear on it, specificity is key. Spend some time pondering, writing it down, or recording yourself talking out loud expressing that which you fear most.

Here are a few examples:

Fear #1: Fear of Death

Fear #2: Fear of Losing a Loved One

Fear #3: Fear of Scarcity, ("Not having enough, experiencing poverty")

Fear #4: Fear of Excommunication or Abandonment (not being accepted by or rejected the tribe, persecution, etc.)

Fear #5: Fear of the Dark

Once you have a list or understanding of three to five fears you experience regularly, next we focus on clarification of the triggers that facilitate the fear to come online.

What stimulus will trigger (activate) these fear-based programs to come alive in you? What kinds of people or characteristics in a person do you tend to judge, condemn, project on to, or feel charged by?

What situations bring about uncontrollable negative thought forms, feelings of panic, stress? It may feel like an intrusion of thoughts, an attack. You may feel discomfort and resistance in many forms.

Trigger clarification can be difficult, it can be from a sight, smell, sound, experience, physical sensation, time of day. Specific examples include: loud noises, experiencing ridicule, judgment or rejection, being alone, breakups, witnessing violence, experiencing violence, physical illness or injury, an animal, a plant, a season, the wind, etc.

You may not be able to correlate the fear with the stimulus at first, it may take observation during the event of experiencing the trigger and the fear that follows.

Step 2: Locate

This step can be challenging to do when in a full-blown state of fear.

I recommend this step to be explored when in a relaxed, open, and centered state of being. It does require some memory recall and a deeper connection to the physical body.

When we experience fear, oftentimes we can determine where in our bodies we feel it the most. Is it in the chest? Stomach? Is there a headache? Sweaty palms? Racing heart? Is there nausea? Is there numbness? What part of the body restricts? How does your breathing change?

Fear in my body always activates my liver. I can feel it instantly, liver and right side of the neck. This is my warning bell within that a program has been activated, and now is the time to do the work.

When we locate which part of the physical body becomes activated as a result of the fear, we can use that information to use our focused intention of visualization and breath to directly treat this space and offer conscious support.

The location of the imprint highlights the vulnerability or what the fear-program may be connected to in the physical form, and provide insight of where it may be imbedded in the other layers of being as well.

If you do not experience a physical location, one can clarify what types of behaviors come out as a result of experiencing the state of fear. One can also chart the types of beliefs or state of being that follows as well.

This is the process of building a completed picture of the programming. And this is a process of strengthening self-awareness. Core fear removal (or integration) can be successfully accomplished once a clear picture is established, so we may get to look directly at the fear and understand it better.

For example: One may be programmed with a fear of failure (CLARIFY), one may experience a perception of criticism or a poor response to a project or venture the being embarked on (CATALYST or STIMULUS), this may cause the being to experience nervousness in the body and feelings of shame or shut down (run away) (LOCATE), which leads to a mind loop of thoughts of self-deprecation, a why-bother attitude, and may engage in various modes of sabotage, either directed towards self or other as a result. (EFFECT/REACTION)

If a fear program comes online, and you have the space and wherewithal to locate where in your body it shows up, this can be invaluable in the process and the next step can be enacted.

Step 3: Access

This is the step where we must use our power of will and discipline to gain access to higher states of being/consciousness. We use this power to strengthen our ability to make a choice that deviates from the original pathway of the programming. We also create room to offer gratitude to the fear. Thank you for showing me where I am separated from Self/God/Source/Love. Thank you for highlighting where I may be vulnerable and require attention and assistance.

This means we are choosing to see fear for what it is. As real as it feels, this fear is NOT you. The programming that results from fear-based consciousness is not something that is innate to your organic expression. It is a construct as a result of separation consciousness/ego (ego meaning the act of identifying as). Fear occurs as a result of separation from truth. Essentially, fear is a lie.

Fear limits a being and can destroy one's capacity for peace, actualization, connection, and evolution.

If this is really hard to do, if your inner coach and voice of reason feels too quiet to push through all the other noise and sensation. ALWAYS go directly to breath. Breath will alter your state of consciousness. I aim for 1-4 breaths per minute. Practice increasing the inhale and the exhale, focusing on settling the charge within your body, to downregulate the alarm systems and begin to create space to work your tools.

If that is difficult, I will call in or call upon an aligned feminine or masculine expression, either someone I know personally OR I create one in my own head that will offer mentorship, guidance, nurturance, support, and a loving demeanor as I work through this. I become my own best friend or aligned parent to help me through the challenging piece and let myself move through the discomfort with a loving “hand”.

Remember, there is a distinction between fear and awareness.

Example: We experience a situation or a being that is unsafe, our body may signal this to us in the form of an "alert" or activation, and may facilitate the process of removing ourselves from it or proceeding to deescalate the situation. We are discerning that there is something not aligned about this situation or person, and we must choose how to navigate it properly.

This is very different than when a fear-based program is triggered.

Fear-based programming causes one to lose control of their impulses, and they begin to behave in harmful ways towards self or other as a result. Instead of working through challenges in a constructive and coherent manner, one can become erratic, unreasonable, unpredictable, volatile, abusive and destructive.

To gain access means we have chosen to recognize the fear as "existing", but not identifying with it or falling into the pattern of it or making decisions or engaging in a behavior as a result of it. We are beginning to captain our own ship. We are regaining access to our control panel.

If this cannot be done or recognized yet, engage in a diffusion technique. Default immediately to deep breathing (as mentioned above), and removing oneself from the situation that is activating the fear program, go for a walk, listen to music, engage in prayer, movement, or meditation, etc. Anything that will allow the alarm state to turn off and to support the neuro system in its process of downregulation. After you settle though, go back in and do the work processing the fear. Those techniques are to be used to settle the system. If we don’t go back and finish the process, it will turn into a form of bypass - and the fear program will never get extracted/resolved.

Refraining from destructive behavior is a huge win. It may take a lot of practice and "exercise" to graduate to the next level of the removal process. Honor and celebrate as you notice the strengthening of the ability to sit in the fear without responding negatively or harmfully. More space will continue to be created until triggers turn from a deafening yell to a gentle whisper.

Step 4: Transform

If one feels able, after visualizing and mapping out where this program is alive in the circuitry, then we can begin to dismantle it from the network. This process is generally "easier" when a being has already worked with developing "in-sight" or inner vision. This is the practice of strengthening one's ability to connect internally and see within; sometimes its in the form of purely feeling sensations, seeing images, movie reels, experiencing certain thoughts upon connecting inward, scanning and connecting with the inner architecture of the body in its entirety.

Personally, I do not engage in this work without leading with a commanding of space practice and a firm intention setting for only truthful and loving/authentic direction and information to be illuminated. I am a huge advocate of 12D shielding (commanding/calibrating space) and many of the techniques offered via the Krystal Aegis website.

This process can look like many things. When scanning for fear, we may see or feel many things. Perhaps we can catch it like a tick burrowing into a layer and yank that sucker out. Maybe it shows up as a file folder on your hard drive that can be tossed in the recycling bin and deleted permanently. If you have developed inner vision already, you may see it as an implant, a dark being, or dark spot, a tentacle, it can show up as many forms of imagery.

You can surround it and encase it in light and watch it begin to burn up/break apart/or transform into a positive image, a brilliant color, or begin to chant or tone a frequency that will rattle it until transmutation occurs. Sometimes we may see it as a shackle or series of chains, a web of entanglement or cording that must be dismantled, unlocked, or broken through. I have had to dance and breathe my way through these things. There has been some intense and horrible imagery and really intense sensations that by moving my physical body and participating in the movement of it really assists the process.

THE MOST IMPORTANT PART….if you experience an emotion connected to this. If you feel like you have to cry, scream, stomp your feet, roll around on the ground, hold or hug your body, cough or even throw up - do not resist or reject the emotion from flowing through you and moving out of you. Do this in a safe space where you are not harming yourself or anyone else around you.

Fear programs are always linked to uncompleted trauma. Trauma = distress without resolve. Sometimes the resolving part is truly allowing ourselves to feel the pain we suppressed or ran away from after an experience of distress or abuse, in which the fear program was born.

If one does not have experience with inner vision processing, call upon support.

Intend for the highest version of self to come through, a teacher of the ways of love. Call upon warriors of freedom to clear out any debris or shadows. Call upon the spirit of Christos, the spirit of peace, the spirit of kindness, the spirit of compassion to flood your systems and clean out anything that does not vibrate in a frequency of love and truth.

You may not be able to see it, some feel it. Use the power of intention and prayer to find your own way of eradicating the programming from your circuitry.

Either way, the intention is to free yourself from it. Remove the power from the “trigger”, rewrite the program, or trash it entirely, and clear the connection to it or power behind it. Disengage. Hold that part of you that may have splintered off as a result of trauma and watch them integrate back together with other layers and versions of you. Unified team <3.

Fill yourself with love, intend to replace the sensations of fear with joy and peace.

Know that in the deepest core self, beneath the clouding of shadows of ego, the true organic nature is that of love and freedom.

I personally visualize the most loving and benevolent beings wrapping their energetic arms around me while I sob out my pain or rejoice in the release of density & disempowerment. And I remind myself over and over that I AM the power. I AM the creator being. I CHOOSE what I will create. I CAN command my thoughts. I AM ABLE to handle and process my feelings.

Thank you for being here and doing the work.

So much love to you.


My Beloved Liver, My beloved heart & my Beloved Wounded Masculine


ATTENTION Parasites: You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.